OTC (Offshore Technology Conference) 2-5 May | Houston, Texas, USA

OTC | Petroleum Geology for Engineers

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

This course is an introduction to petroleum geology and how a petroleum geologist uses the science to explore for oil and gas. Most engineers have a scientific education and background, but may not be familiar with some of the specific terms, processes and strategies unique to geology, and how they can work together with engineering data to evaluate prospects and plays for greater drilling success. Here are just a few of the topics to be covered:

  • Definition of a Petroleum Geologist
  • Duties of a Petroleum Geologist
  • Net pay, fracture orientation
  • Exploration strategy
  • How to scrutinize an oil & gas prospect
  • Risk Management
  • And more..........

This course is being taught by Dr. J. David Lazor. He is an Assistant Professor of Geology (Washington & Lee Univ. and Indiana Univ. NW), part time instructor of Geology at numerous junior colleges.  Exploration Geologist, Geophysicist, and Manager with several petroleum companies. Independent prospect generator and consultant, J.D. Lazor Enterprises, Inc (Texas Corporation).

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See Also: ACE Program Paper

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See Also: Short Course

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See Also: Explorer Article

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See Also: Explorer Director’s Corner

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See Also: Foundation Update

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