Seismic Interpretation Workshop – Exploring the Petroleum Basins, of Offshore Africa and South America - A Seismic Workshop from Margin to Prospect Scale Evaluation

Registration Open for AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop in London

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
London, UK | 19-20 March 2019

The separation of Gondwana in the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous created a series of passive margin basins along the coastlines of South America and Africa. The observed variation in structural and stratigraphic architecture between these basins directly influences hydrocarbon prospectivity. 

In this hands-on workshop we will use state-of-the-art 2D seismic to examine a range of margins at both crustal and prospect scale in order to investigate concepts of basin formation and fill during rift, drift and the subsequent development of petroleum systems. 

In a collaboration focused on helping explorers, Spectrum and ION will provide a two-day workshop focused on investigating concepts and ideas through a series of hands-on interpretation sessions for all participants. 

The course is segmented into “margin architecture styles” and examines the coasts and deep water of the Americas and Africa. We will look at magma-rich and magma-poor extensional and transform margins, deltas, slopes and basin floor depositional systems. Following an exploration workflow students will work across a variety of scales with datasets from the margins of West Africa and their conjugates in South America. The workshop will also cover transform margins, Northwest Africa and the Mediterranean and East African margins. 

Come and investigate basin-wide petroleum systems and consider key exploration risks and uncertainties working hands-on to understand how seismic can identify and analyse petroleum systems from crustal architecture to prospect evaluation. 

The two-day course costs £285 + VAT and requires pre-booking. Ensure your place by registering today

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