AAPG 2019 Annual Convention & Exhibition

U-Pitch Registration is Now Open for ACE 2019

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

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Sponsor U-Pitch

Need funding? Join the U-Pitch Pavilion where you can pitch to potential investors and partners. You’ll have a 30-minute block for your 15-minute presentation and questions and answers. 

U-Pitch is perfect for your: 
  • Technology start-up
  • Technology commercialization
  • Property or project that implements new technology for new reserves or increased production
  • Research consortium with new technology and techniques
What kinds of technologies attract investment?
  • Smart technologies (new productivity apps, etc.)
  • New imaging and interpretation software
  • Safety and monitoring (smart operations)
  • Data repositories
  • Analytics platforms
  • Oil field chemicals
  • Sensors
  • Infrastructure (communications, pipeline technology, gas processing technologies)
  • New materials used in drilling, etc.
  • Drone technologies
  • Robotics
  • New services
  • Your only limit is the limit of your imagination!

Your U-Pitch registration includes access to exhibit hall all three days, opportunity to upload presentation to On-Demand Station where attendees can view pitches, access to utilize private meeting room near U-Pitch Pavilion, recognition on ACE.AAPG.org, and recognition in ACE Program Book.

For questions or additional information, please contact:

Susan Nash
Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology
+1 918 560 2604

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See Also: Explorer Article

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See Also: Foundation Update

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