Where is Education?

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

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Education events can be found under CAREER in the main menu. 

In order to further refine and simplify the AAPG website it became evident that a "Career" tab would better serve the AAPG membership needs. Here are combined not only Education opportunities - both In Person and Online - but other career-serving programs such as the Distinguished Lecturers and the Visiting Geoscientists. All are listed under "Training".

This tab now accommodates Job needs by including the Career Center and classified ads. The link to the Member Registry is also listed here. 

A viable part to keeping one's career vital is participating on many levels. Under this heading in the CAREER tab are opportunities to submit abstracts for events and publications, propose courses for further training experiences and eventually begin to establish mentorships. 

The AAPG N.E.T. provides online communities for AAPG members and site users to Network, Engage, and Talk publicly and privately. Keep a close eye on this link as the communities come on line.

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FAQ My MegaMenu is hiding my login! What can I do? My MegaMenu is hiding my login! What can I do? Desktop 7893
FAQ How do I access my Subscriptions? How do I access my Subscriptions? Desktop 7943
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