How do I reinstate my membership?

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

55025 Desktop

If you know your preexisting account login credentials, then please skip ahead to ‘I already did this’ and continue from there.

If not, you need to reestablish your profile login on the site before you begin the application for reinstatement. It only takes a couple of steps to do so by first clicking on the Login button in the top, right-hand corner of the screen.

AAPG Login Button

Since you do not know the login details of your preexisting account, you will then click on the ‘Forgot Login Info’ button in order to recover these details and update your password. It will require that you use the email address within your preexisting account in order to receive the update in this manner.

AAPG Login Form

You will receive an email within your inbox to update your details.

If you do not know the email address used for your account or no longer have access to it, then you will need to contact the in order to update the email address. In some cases, we can even help you to complete this entire process by phone.

I already did this

Great (and thank you)!

Click the ‘Join, Renew, Reinstate membership’ button in the upper right of the screen.

AAPG Login Button

When you click this action, you'll be able choose the option to apply for your reinstatement and make your dues payment using the button shown below.

AAPG Join/Reinstate Panel

Let’s step through the application process from here.

1.You will be required to login to your preexisting account if you have not done so. Once logged in you will see the option for reinstatement if you qualify.

AAPG Membership Sign On

2. Next, you will need to review and agree to the AAPG Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics. If reinstating to Member or Emeritus, you will also see additional details on this page regarding the assignment of your affiliated society in reference to voting and representation.

Membership Agreement

3. Next, you may add your resume if you would like. This is not required. To add the resume click the ADD RESUME button, then select the file from your computer. Click UPLOAD RESUME.

New Applications header

4. Then, you will see the ABOUT ME page in which you will update your profile with your up to date details. Preexisting details will be prepopulated from your record history for your convenience. Be sure to add at least one Education History listing and one Work History listing if not populated. You can also edit existing listings as needed as well. Click SAVE once you have made all of your edits to continue.

About the member

Member history

5. Finally, you will choose your option for payment, click add to cart, and then give your credit card details in order to checkout.

Reinstatement Details

Reinstatement Details

Reinstatement Details

Reinstatement Details

6. You should see an on-screen confirmation and receive an email confirmation when the application and payment is submitted properly.

If you still have questions, contact the .

Additional Assistance

Phone: 1 918 584-2555 - Toll Free US & Canada: 1 800 364 2274
Please contact Customer Experience Center with all your questions; we will answer to the best of our abilities or direct you to a staff member best suited to take care of your request.

FAQ Topics

See Also: Explorer Readers Forum

Explorer Readers Forum AAPG Bylaws Fundamentals: What is the Ethics Committee For? AAPG Bylaws Fundamentals: What is the Ethics Committee For? Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/houston-bill-18.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 63257

See Also: FAQ