05 June, 2014 Houston Texas United States

Interpretation Visualization in the Petroleum Industry

1-5 June 2014
Houston, Texas, United States


Conference Description

Visualization technology and techniques enhance our ability to perceive the geology and petroleum systems being imaged by our data. Our geologic understanding is growing as we integrate three dimensional data from all disciplines. Technologies are evolving which continue to offer new, even revolutionary, attributes from our data. Multi-volume rendering is increasingly a part of interpretation workflows, as are time lapse and real time methods. Patterns and interpretations are captured and exported to support quantitative modeling of production and drilling data for reservoir modeling, and for managing risk and environmental impact. In all this work, visualization is a key tool for integrating data and processes. It's a vibrant and exciting time to be an interpreter. Join us in exploring and creating this new world: merging geology, geophysics, and technology to image and model the earth.

The return on investment to industry from interpretive visualization, while unmeasured, appears enormous. This conference will attempt to leverage even greater value from these tools by facilitating more rapid uptake and dissemination of emerging technologies and methods from other fields. In addition, attendees will gain an understanding of leading strategies for implementing interpretive visualization.

This technical conference will provide an opportunity for E&P interpreter's to interact with leading research scientists to network, share knowledge, and identify opportunities for further collaboration. To foster innovation through adjacency, a cross-disciplinary session featuring presenters from Baylor Medical Research, NASA, Big Data, Architecture, and Journalism will lead off the research conference. A best of conference review will cover presentations from the 2013 Hedberg Conference, 3D Structural Geologic Interpretation: Earth, Mind, and Machine.


The purpose of this technical conference is to enhance cooperation and exchange ideas about interpretation visualization. Continuing the theme of the 2013 Hedberg Conference, 3D Structural Geologic Interpretation: Earth, Mind, and Machine, this conference will focus on technologies and techniques for enhancing and extracting compelling visualizations of stratigraphic and geomorphological interpretations.


The goals of this conference are to provide participants:

  1. An inter-disciplinary overview of current visualization technology and methods
  2. Leading edge strategies and methods for utilizing interpretation visualization
  3. An integrated view of the effective use of visualization in petroleum industry interpretation processes and workflows,
  4. A view of successful implementations and deployments for visualization supporting environments and technology 
  5. Exposure to new seismic workflows, domains, transforms, and attributes for interpretation visualization
Technical Themes
  • Multi-Discipline Approaches
  • New Technologies
  • Methods for Visualization Interpretation
  • Methods - Modeling and Chronostratigraphy
  • Methods – Cross-discipline Integration
  • Examples and Case Studies


Review Conference Abstracts.

  • Steve Adcock, Resource Evaluations
  • Henry Posamentier, Chevron
  • Tracy Stark, Stark Reality
  • Jean-Yves Chatellier, Consultant
  • Robello Samuel, Halliburton


This will be a three-day meeting with a single track of presentations. Emphasis will be on invited speakers. Each half-day session will begin with a keynote address, followed by oral presentations. Sessions and question periods will be organized around accepted presentations. There will be a one-day optional field trip at the end of the conference for tours of E&P company and vendor 3D visualization venues/environments.

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5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Sunday, 1 June - Registration/Check-in
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Sunday, 1 June - Opening Icebreaker
Opening Icebreaker
7:15 AM - 8:15 AM
Hedberg - Houston - Monday, 2 June - Registration/Check-in
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Opening Announcements, Welcome and Introductions
AAPG Staff and Conveners
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
Conference Introduction – Why are we Here?
Henry Posamentier (Chevron)
8:40 AM - 8:45 AM
Session Intro
Session Chair
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM
Pre Cognitive Processing: The Creation and Data Mining of 3D Visual Databases
James Dirstein (Total Depth Pty. Ltd.)
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Learning from the 2013 3D Interpretation Hedberg: How Geoscientists See 3D
Bob Krantz (ConocoPhillips)
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
Advances in Fetal Imaging 2014
Wesley Lee, Anil Shetty (Baylor College of Medicine)
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Getting in the Game – Real-time Visualization of Data from Earth, the Solar System and Beyond
Douglas Ellison (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Quantitative Assessment of Gestational Sac Shape: The Gestational Sac Shape Score
Jia Li (Oakland University), Russell Deter (Baylor College of Medicine)
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Orienting the Unoriented: Paleocurrent Determination from Unoriented Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Wilcox Conventional Cores Using Helical Computed Tomography (CT) Scans
Larry Zarra (Chevron), Allison Jackson (Univ. of Utah)
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Sessions I Summary/Discussion

12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 2 - Lunch
Buffet Lunch, with Vendor talks
1:44 PM - 1:45 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 2 - Session II: New Technologies

Session II: New Technologies

Session Chair: Jean-Yves Chatellier

1:45 PM - 1:50 PM
Session Intro
Session Chair
1:50 PM - 2:20 PM
High Resolution Seismic Attribute Visualization from Holographic Imaging
Norman Neidell, James Charuk (Starboard Energy)
2:20 PM - 2:50 PM
The Diagnostic 3D Seismic Process (D3DSP): Objects vs. Layers – An Alternative (to the Layered-Earth-Model 3D Seismic Process) Method for Imaging, Measuring and Evaluating Buried "Common-Impedance Objects" (e.g., Petroleum Reservoirs)
Louis Willhoit (VTV, LLC)
2:50 PM - 3:20 PM
State of the Art Visualization Tools
Michael Heck (FEI Visualization Sciences Group)
3:20 PM - 3:50 PM
Augmented Reality Field Performance Support System for the Enterprise
Carl Byers, Andrew Woo (Ngrain)
4:20 PM - 4:50 PM
Integration of Remote Sensing Outcrop Data and Subsurface Information to Define High-Resolution Lithologic Facies Variability within Interbedded Sandstones of the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale of Western Colorado
Dallas Dunlap, Peter Flaig, Lesli Wood (Bureau of Economic Geology), Darrin Burton (Newfield Exploration), Timothy Prather (UT Austin)
5:20 PM - 5:50 PM
Session II Summary/Discussion

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 2 - Group Dinner
Group Dinner
7:59 AM - 8:00 AM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 3 - Session III: Methods for Visualization Interpretation

Session III: Methods for Visualization Interpretation

Session Chair: Steve Adcock

8:00 AM - 8:05 AM
Session Introduction
Session Chair
8:05 AM - 8:35 AM
Fundamentals of 3D Seismic Volume Imaging
Gerald Kidd (PanAtlantic Exploration Co.)
8:35 AM - 9:05 AM
Visual Analytics: The RGB Co-Render – What are We Going to Do with the Answer?
Uwe Strecker, Lucy MacGregor (Rock Solid Images)
9:05 AM - 9:35 AM
Visualizing Anisotropy in Seismic Facies Using Stratigraphically Constrained, Multi-Directional Texture Attribute Analysis
Christoph Eichkitz (Joanneum Research), Paul de Groot, Friso Brouwer (dGB Earth Sciences)
9:35 AM - 10:05 AM
Watershed Algorithm Applied in Halokinetics
Robert Woock (Stone Energy Corp.), Gwen Pech (Terra Spark)
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 3 - Tuesday, 3 June - Coffee Break 1
Coffee Break/Visit posters
10:35 AM - 11:05 AM
The Unexpected Should not be Unexplained – New Interpretations via Geoscience and Engineering Anomaly Data Visualization
Jean-Yves Chatellier (Consultant), Bob Menard (Talisman Energy), Burcu Garcal, Sergei Filin (Schlumberger)
11:05 AM - 11:35 AM
Seismic Geomorphology of Mixed-Influence Coastal-Deltaic Depositional Systems
Simon Lang, Henry Posamentier, Bruce Ainsworth, Andrew Madof, Stuart Blackwood, Elaine Campbell, Kenneth Ehman, Olusola Bakare (Chevron)
11:35 AM - 12:05 PM
Session III Summary/Discussion

12:05 PM - 1:05 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 3 - Lunch
Buffet Lunch with Vendor talks
1:00 PM - 1:05 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 3 - Session IV: Modeling and Chronostratigraphy

Session IV: Modeling and Chronostratigraphy

Session Chairs: Tracy Stark and Brad Macurda

1:05 PM - 1:10 PM
Session Introduction
Session Chair
1:10 PM - 1:40 PM
Visualization, Interpretation and Cognitive Cybernetics
James Lowell, Jon Henderson, Gaynor Paton, Joe Valenti (ffA)
1:40 PM - 2:10 PM
New Methods for Slicing and Dicing Seismic Volumes
Paul de Groot, Farrukh Qayyum, Friso Brouwer, Yuancheng Liu, Nanne Hemstra (dGB Earth Sciences)
2:10 PM - 2:40 PM
Seismic Visualization of Thin-Beds Guided by Seismic Geomorphology and Waveform Analysis in Wheeler (Stratal-Slice) Domain
Hongliu Zeng (Bureau of Economic Geology)
2:40 PM - 3:10 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 3 - Tuesday, 3 June - Coffee Break 2

Coffee Break/Visit Posters

3:10 PM - 3:40 PM
Deepwater Salt Interpretation and Visualization Using Dynamic Frameworks to Fill
Nam Nguyen, Mary Cole (Landmark/Halliburton)
3:40 PM - 4:10 PM
Experiment on the Selection of Time-Transgression Predictive Seismic Attributes
Yawen He (UT at Austin), Hongliu Zeng (Bureau of Economic Geology)
7:59 AM - 8:00 AM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 4 - Wednesday, 4 June - Session V: Methods – Cross-Discipline Integration

Session V: Methods – Cross-Discipline Integration

Session Chair: Robello Samuel

8:00 AM - 8:05 AM
Session Introduction
Session Chair
8:05 AM - 8:35 AM
3D Data Visualizations: The Advantages of Volume Graphics and Big Data to Support Geologic Interpretation
Carl Byers, Andrew Woo (Ngrain)
8:35 AM - 9:05 AM
Innovations in Visualization Open New Possibilities for Interpreters
Bruno de Ribet (Paradigm)
9:05 AM - 9:35 AM
Exploratory Statistics to Visualize, Quality Control and Refine 3D Geological Interpretations at Basin and Field Scales
Jean-Yves Chatellier (Consultant), Gina Chatellier (Tecto Sedi Integrated Inc.)
9:35 AM - 10:05 AM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 4 - Wednesday, 4 June - Coffee Break 1
Coffee Break/Visit Posters
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM
Visualization Informed Drilling: Optimization and Automation On-The-Fly at the Bit
Robello Samuel, Umesh Nalamda, Aniket Kumar (Halliburton)
10:35 AM - 11:05 AM
Petrophysical Rock Classification in Heterogeneous Reservoirs with Attributes Derived from Core Data and Well Logs
Chicheng Xu (BP America), Carlos Torres-Verdin, Qinshan Yang (UT at Austin)
11:05 AM - 11:35 AM
Session V Summary/Discussion
11:35 AM - 12:35 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 4 - Wednesday, 4 June - Buffet Lunch

Bueffet Lunch with Vendor talks

12:34 PM - 12:35 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 4 - Wednesday, 4 June - Session VI: Examples and Case Studies

Session VI: Examples and Case Studies

Session Chairs: Henry Posamentier

12:35 PM - 12:40 PM
Session Introduction
Session Chair
12:40 PM - 1:10 PM
Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Bibiyana Gas Field, Bangladesh: How the Recognition of Unconformities Led to a Better Understanding of Reservoir Architecture and Distributi
Kenneth Ehman, Bill Kowalik, Ken Cass, Yan Chen, Jeff Roche, Henry Posamentier, Doug Meyer, David Reeves, Andrew Royle, Andrew Warnock, Paul Anderson (Chevron)
1:10 PM - 2:40 PM
An In-Depth Investigation into the Use of Integrated Petrophysical, Logging and Pressure Transient Analysis of Arabian Gulf Carbonate Reservoirs to Better Enhance Their Geological Models
Iftikhar Raza, Zahar Zaafran (King Saud University)
2:10 PM - 2:40 PM
Microseismic Case Study: Monitoring of a Multi-Well Completion in the Muskwa & Evie Shale Play in Northeastern British Columbia
Peter Morton, Jane Ling, William Barker, Paige Snelling (MicroSeismic, Inc.)
2:40 PM - 3:10 PM
Session VI Summary/Discussion
3:10 PM - 3:40 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 4 - Wednesday, 4 June - Coffee Break 2

Coffee Break/Visit Posters

3:40 PM - 4:40 PM
Panel Discussion
Industry plus Vendors
4:40 PM - 5:00 PM
Hedberg - Houston - Day 4 - Wednesday, 4 June - Conference Summary and Moving Forward

Conference Summary and Moving Forward

Conference Conveners

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Field trip to visit Visualization facilities around Houston


Norris Conference Center
816 Town & Country Lane, Suite 210
Houston Texas 77024
United States
(713) 590-0950
Houston, TX - Norris Conference Center - CityCentre Houston, TX - Norris Conference Center - CityCentre 453 Norris Conference Center



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