All Shale Gas Reservoirs are NOT the Same and Why You Should Care

22 July, 2010
Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for geologists, geophysicists, engineers, and other energy professionals who want to learn about the geomechanics involved in shale gas reservoirs.
Course Content

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to describe geomechanics in shale reservoirs and discuss differences between plays. Further, you will be able to discuss fractures, stress states and the geomechanical factors that affect drilling and operations in diverse shale plays.

Key Concepts

It is well known that shale gas plays have widely varying mineralogy and in situ conditions of temperature and reservoir pressure, resulting in significant differences in their mechanical properties and economic potential. What is less generally recognized is that different plays can also have very different patterns of natural fractures and are subject to very different states of stress. It is important to understand these variations in order to optimize drilling, completion, and stimulation practice. If these differences can be determined and their effects understood, it makes possible meaningful predictions of reservoir response, allowing operators to optimize well designs and manage production to maximize the value of the resource.

  • Stress states and natural fracture patterns vary widely between and within North American shale plays
  • These variations affect the shape and character of stimulated volumes, the requirements for safe drilling, and the optimal directions to drill to exploit natural fractures
  • Knowledge of the stress state and natural fracture distribution and properties can be utilized to improve operations and to maximize the value of microseismic and other data

The one hour live portion will be followed by a full day of independent study (not a live event). The one-hour live e-symposium can be accessed from any computer anywhere in the world using a high-speed internet connection. After the event is over, you will receive via email information about accessing the asynchronous segment (not live) which consists of your independent study materials, to be accessed and studied at any time. You will be able to email responses to the readings, along with your study question answers for CEU credit (if you sign up for the extended package).

Recording of original webinar, packet of independent study reading materials, PDF of original PowerPoint presentation by FTP download. (Original presentation date: July 22, 2010.) Some materials will also sent by e-mail.

Expires on
01 January, 2099
Member Tuition without CEU
Expires on
01 January, 2099
Nonmember Tuition without CEU
Expires on
01 January, 2099
Student Tuition without CEU
Expires on
01 January, 2099
Member Tuition with CEU
Expires on
01 January, 2099
Nonmember Tuition with CEU
Expires on
01 January, 2099
Student Tuition with CEU

Expanded package for CEU credit is $100 for AAPG members, and $145 for non-members. Special Student Pricing: $25 for Webinar only; $35 for Expanded package.


Daniel Moos Geomechanics International, Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/moos-daniel.jpg?width=75&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 414
Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology +1 918 560 2604
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/nash-susan.jpg?width=75&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 28 Susan Nash, Ph.D.

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