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Technical Interest Groups (TIG)

Technical Interest Groups (TIG) are designed to grow and deepen community with AAPG by focusing on technical topics of interest and creating opportunities for AAPG members to engage with each other to address these topics.TIGs are free to join for all AAPG members and non-members alike.

Technical Interest Group

Fundamental and applied aspects of salt-influenced sedimentary basins from salt deposition to tectonics and dissolution. The ultimate goal of the Salt Basins TIG is to unite academia and industry, diversify our field (people and research topics), and to create a scientifically inclusive environment for leading experts in salt tectonics to collaborate and thrive.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Special Interest Groups (SIG)

Special Interest Groups (SIG) are focused on fostering engagement of AAPG members on areas of common non-technical interest. SIGs are free to join for all AAPG members and non-member alike.

Special Interest Group

The SIG provides a series of unique services to AAPG young professional members with the goals of retaining and increasing our current young professional membership and promoting interaction and communication between AAPG student and young professional members. The SIG is open to all who believe and support the mission of the Young Professionals.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

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