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Last Post 05 May 2023 10:00 AM by  Patrick Ng
ChatGPT Time - Buy not Build Revisited
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Patrick Ng
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05 May 2023 10:00 AM
    Today, we have news on business strategy adopting ChatGPT. According to a leaked document, a Googler said that Google and OpenAI will lose the AI arms race to open-source engineers.

    Excerpt - Without a “secret sauce,” Google’s best hope is to learn from and collaborate with others outside of Google and prioritize third-party integrations. Open-source engineers are achieving things with $100 that Google struggles with at $10 million, and doing so in weeks, not months.

    This has a quantified potential impact of 10,000x.

    For those interested in developing an app with OpenAI’s ChatGPT without the hassle of installing libraries and configuring the environment, Colab is a good place to start as well as rapid prototypes in machine learning and data science. Here are links to a guide on Colab and how to use ChatGPT API for direct interaction from Colab:

    Have fun.
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