Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Technical Interest Group (TIG)

Best practices and emerging technologies for economically recovering oil using CO2 enhanced oil recovery methods.
CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery
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Last Post 23 Sep 2021 09:18 AM by  Patrick Ng
Collaboration Space, spun off of the 9/15/2021 CCUS for Independents Webinar
 1 Replies
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Author Messages
Mike Raines
New Member
New Member

17 Sep 2021 11:04 AM
    The CCUS TIG and the Deep Learning / Data Analytics / Machine Learning TIG joined forces earlier this week to present on the topics of CO2 Operations (in General) and what new resources are available for independents to use to help find CCUS (or CCS) opportunities. See the related Collaboration Space Challenge linked there. We will be adding information to the Xranthus platform soon.
    Patrick Ng
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Sep 2021 09:18 AM
    Reference -

    The CCUS webinar link:

    Apps used for geolocation-based search are:

    Flare gas:
    Shale wells:
    Geothermal in Sedimentary Basins:

    Seek and we shall find.
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