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Last Post 15 May 2017 03:50 PM by  Bogdan Michka
About YP SIG
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Bogdan Michka
Basic Member
Basic Member

15 May 2017 03:50 PM
    The mission of the AAPG Young Professionals Special Interest Group is to:

    - Foster a challenging and successful career in the energy industry for recent university graduates and early career earth scientists.
    - Build an understanding of the value of a lasting relationship between AAPG and young professional members.
    - Encourage earth scientists to progress from Student to Associate to Member.

    Accomplishing this mission will require:

    - Open communication with students about careers in earth science.
    - Identifying and serving early career needs of young earth scientists.
    - Providing opportunities for networking, career guidance, learning and enhancing professional competence.
    - Supporting and encouraging applications for Membership when eligibility requirements are met.
    - Encouraging young leaders to run as a Delegate candidate for their respective Region or Section.

    The SIG provides a series of unique services to AAPG young professional members with the goals of retaining and increasing our current young professional membership and promoting interaction and communication between AAPG student and young professional members. The SIG is open to all who believe and support the mission of the Young Professionals.
    Bogdan Michka | Web Producer
    American Association of Petroleum Geologists
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    Telemachos Manos Geologist, AAPG Global YP Co-Chair, Avid Explorer! na
    Juan Quinto Subsurface Geologist EspOil

    Headquarters Contacts

    Adriane Hausher Programs Coordinator AAPG
    Heather Hodges Programs Coordinator AAPG
    Susie Nolen Programs Team Leader AAPG