ICE 2022


The AT field delimitation was carried out 1.5 years after the discovery, logging a pressure of 7.8 kg/cm2 lower than the result in the first exploratory well, within the same Mesozoic geological formation unit. After 6.6 years of drilling the extension well, it started exploitation observing a pressure drop of 14 kg/cm2. These descents are due to the aquifer is regionally shared with other oil fields. Due to the extraction oil by development wells in the reservoir, an additional loss of 40 kg/cm2 has been observed in 2021. The pressure data that have been recorded in the wells since the discovery, throughout the productive life of the field, are used as control points to understand what happens in the porous system and interpret the static and dynamic behavior of the reservoir, as well as the effect of the exploitation of neighboring fields on the reservoir under study. The production and pressure behaviors respond to the features of geological units in the field, the regional connection through the aquifer and the extraction flow rate. The geological, petrophysical and dynamic data of wells are studied: to maintain and increase the production, to monitoring the advances of fluid contacts and predict the oil displacement ratios by water injection, to considering the horizontal and vertical flow capacities of the geological units and the field compartments. As a result of this analysis, the original and current pressure conditions of the field, the magnitude of drawdown both the oil zone and the aquifer were determined. Likewise, it is possible to make a zoning of the field: zones from highest to lowest drainage and bypassed zones. To incorporating the dynamics data from two other neighboring fields, such as TK, UT, which were already depressed at the time of discovery, like the AT field, the depressing effect through the common aquifer is checked and complement the characterization of these reservoirs.