Discovery Thinking: The AAPG Century - Giant Fields Through the Decades. A Playmaker Forum talk given by Charles Sternbach in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on 11 May, 2017.
There have been 18 Discovery Thinking Forums since 2008 with about 10,000 attendees. About 115 speakers have permitted their video presentations to be posted on the AAPG Search and Discovery Website with tens of thousands of viewings around the globe. In addition, Charles created the AAPG Playmaker program in 2012. These 1 day forums on exploration creativity have been presented 10 times in the US, Canada, and Europe. More than 1,500 professionals have attended and presentations have
received 10,000 web views around the world. More of these forums are planned.
Charles believes case histories of successful explorers and their discoveries is a short cut to wisdom. Every geologist around the globe raises the level of collective intelligence for all by sharing information and techniques. Critical insights fall into patterns that can be recognized and anticipated. The legacy of exploration literature forms a syllabus for future explorers. Technology enables preservation and communication of critical knowledge via the internet through programs like Search and Discovery, Datapages, and GIS spatial related databases. He is a co-editor with Dr. Robert Merrill on the fifth installment of the AAPG memoir series Giant Fields of the Decade 2000-2010 (in print).