ICE 2022


In this chapter we present the challenges associated to the interpretation of a seismic section across the San Alberto, South Aguaragüe and Madrejones Ranges of the Southern Subandean fold-and-thrust belt in Bolivia. Field data, geological mapping, seismic, wells, forward modelling and restoration are integrated into one valid geological model, allowing us to understand trap configuration and evolution through time. The scarce well data, the poor seismic quality in the anticline cores and the decoupling of structural styles above and below the Mid-Devonian décollément require the use of structural modelling techniques to decrease the uncertainty of seismic interpretation and trap definition at depth. The interpretation is compatible with a foreland-directed sequence of folds and thrusts. The sequence from Los Monos Fm. to the Neogene synorogenic infill develops as a fold train verging to either the east (Aguaragüe) or to the west (San Alberto). The Kirusillas to Huamampampa sequence where most structural traps are defined, instead, is interpreted as a series of east-verging fault-related anticlines developed on double-ramp thrust sheets.