Petroleum Systems of the Eastern Cordillera, Foothill Basins and Associated Llanos Basin



See Also: Field Seminar

Field Seminar Inner Platform to Base of Slope of the Apulia Carbonate Platform in the Gargano Promontory: Facies, Sedimentary Processes and Potential Reservoirs Inner Platform to Base of Slope of the Apulia Carbonate Platform in the Gargano Promontory: Facies, Sedimentary Processes and Potential Reservoirs Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/ft-eur-inner-platform-to-base-of-slope-of-the-apulia-carbonate-platform-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 62392

See Also: Short Course

Short Course George R. Brown Convention Center - Room 332 A/D SC-01 The Techniques and Business Aspects of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage and the CO₂ Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) SC-01 The Techniques and Business Aspects of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage and the CO₂ Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/ccus24-SC01-techniques-and-business-aspects-of-carbon-capture-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 66444