DEG Spheres of Influence December 2018

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Table of Contents

One of my goals as this year’s DEG president is to expand and broaden my observations on news concerning energy and the environment. While I already stay abreast with news services and readings from two organizations – AAPG and SPE – I committed myself to go to as many related meetings as possible to observe what is happening.
For avid landscape photographers like myself, Death Valley National Park is a must-see destination. Among the numerous geological wonders in the park are the salt flats at Badwater Basin (the lowest point in North America), the stunning sand dunes of Mesquite Flat, the multi-colored sandstone canyons at Artists Palette and the bizarre, crusted salt formations at Devil’s Golf Course
DEG looks forward to the ACE 2019 meeting with planned technical sessions that include carbon capture and sequestration, induced seismicity and produced water management, and general environmental presentations.