Are going to the International Conference and Exhibition in Milan 23-26 October?
You may maximize your time by reading the AAPG EXPLORER for October. This particular issue has an international focus and looks at some of the papers that will be presented at ICE 2011.
When I read the theme for this issue was “Following Da Vinci’s Footsteps to Future Energy Resources Innovations from Outcrops to Assets” I was once again impressed with the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci. He contributed so much to science and arts. But, geology?
Lo, and behold! I’m reading the Explorer and this article “Da Vinci Knew His Geology” catches my eye. What?! That, too? Turns out Gian Battista Vai will be sharing with attendees at the annual meeting about just that.
That’s just a preview of your potential experience. There’s also an article for those new to the petroleum geology industry. Apparently there is a program for the young professional to meet with a seasoned professional and walk through the meeting experience together. Both the new professional and the seasoned professional need to sign up for this event.
And that’s just the beginning of the Explorer’s features.
You may download the PDF and read the entire issue while you travel (if you’re not the driver, anyway) and then you’ll be able to maximize your ICE 2011 experience.
Good browsing!