TIG and SIG discussion boards available online now!

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Welcome to AAPG N.E.T., an online space for Technical Interest Groups (TIGs) and Special Interest Groups  (SIGs) where geoscientists can Network, Engage and Talk.

Technical Interest Groups are designed to grow and deepen community with AAPG by focusing on technical topics of interest and creating opportunities for AAPG members to engage with each other to address these topics. Special Interest Groups (SIG) are focused on fostering engagement of AAPG members in areas of common non-technical interest. TIGs and SIGs are free to join for all AAPG members and non-members alike.

AAPG N.E.T. discussion boards make this engagement easy:

  • If you want to share a URL to an online resource or paper, simply paste it into the body of your message, and it will be converted to a clickable link when you post the message to the discussion board.
  • To share an image or a file, simply attach it to the message you're writing, and it will be instantly available for other TIG or SIG participants to view or download. (For information on what types of files you can post please read this FAQ.)
  • Subscribe to the topics that interest you simply by clicking a checkbox in each topic, then visit My Topics page (found in the sidebar) every time you login for a concise view of new content.
  • You can run an informal survey by creating a poll in your message which will show the results to all participants who provided input.
  • Made a type-o? Edit your message within the hour to correct any errors.
  • Want to address a specific statement someone made in the preceding discussion? Quote their message in your reply!

There's something here for everyone. If you've made a friend or found a mentor at ACE or ICE but live in a different country or state, join Young Professionals SIG or Professional Women in Earth Sciences (PROWESS) SIG to keep in touch. Are you a VG or want to become one? Join the Visiting Geoscientist SIG to share your experiences or learn from the experience of others. Interested in Astrogeology, Drones or Triggered and Induced Seismicity? Join these or dozens more TIGs to contribute to or learn from the topics that interest you. Remember, you can join as many TIGs or SIGs as you like!

AAPG N.E.T. is growing. If you don't find what you're looking for, consider starting your own TIG or SIG. Please contact with requests to create a TIG; for SIG creation please contact .

AAPG N.E.T. has the potential to become a powerful resource for new geoscientists entering the workforce during "the great crew change". It can be a platform for public outreach and disseminating the science in clear and understandable terms. It could further facilitate international scientific collaboration and make AAPG's influence truly global. And it's up to you to own it and make it all it can be.

Please complete the following steps before you begin interacting with the discussion boards:

  1. Take time to create or review your profile and privacy settings, paying attention to your display name and photo, as they will be used to identify your posts. (You may need to register on the AAPG website if you have not done so.)
  2. Read the Discussion Boards FAQ page to learn the rules and get familiar with the features — paying special attention to "What are the guidelines for interacting with AAPG's discussion boards used by TIGs and SIGs?" and "What is not allowed in AAPG's discussion boards used by TIGs and SIGs?
  3. Get involved in a conversation — or start your own topic! Remember to be considerate of other users and enjoy the AAPG N.E.T. Communities!

If you have any questions, please ; we’re constantly working on FAQ’s to help you in your online experience!

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See Also: Foundation Update

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