Learn the latest technologies being successfully applied in the main unconventional plays, and how the knowledge can be applied to other plays world wide. As the popularity with unconventional plays continues to grow, the demand for insight and knowledge of these plays is also becoming greater. To help ensure success and optimization in exploration,drilling, completions and stimulation of unconventionals the course will provide attendees with a review and an update on the status and lessons learned in the world’s major unconventional plays. The goal is to compare the approaches taken in the major plays, from reconnaissance exploration to acquisition of acreage, well siting, drilling program planning, completions, and production. In some cases, secondary recovery and re-entries will be discussed (in the case of steep decline curves and the need to restimulate the well). Plan on joining us December 8-9, 2014 at the KualaLumpur Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For additional information: AAPG Short Course - Unconventionals Update.
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