A GTW with a fresh new structure.

Success with Difficult Unconventionals GTW

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

A workshop with a unique structure. A dynamic, engaging format designed for optimal exchange of technical information, case studies, applications, experiences, and new insights.

8 main topics, with quick overview presentations followed by an in-depth panel discussion that involves the audience. The presentations will address some of the major issues and concerns, and the experts will share lessons learned, innovative solutions, and the way ahead.

Each presenter/panelist will have slides that illustrate their points. The panel discussion will be followed by audience questions and participation. After the event, participants will receive access to the presentations and a discussion forum to continue discussions, collaboration, and information-sharing.


Theme 1: Improving recovery and decline curves: Any progress in sight? Digital transformation, new tools and technologies.

Theme 2: Fracs and Refracs: Bringing together science and technology

Theme 3: The Problem of Modeling: Machine Learning solutions and lessons learned

Theme 4: New techniques and analytics for challenging reservoirs

Theme 5: Mechanical methods and new technologies for stimulating difficult reservoirs

Theme 6: Maintaining high efficiency in drilling, completions, and production: IoT, sensors

Theme 7: Well spacing / Frac interference / the Data problem

Theme 8: Working with old and re-emerging plays / Bringing together data, geology, engineering, historical knowledge and new insights

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