What are the guidelines for interacting with AAPG's discussion boards used by TIGs and SIGs?

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

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When interacting with AAPG's discussion boards please adhere to these guidelines:

  • When publishing content on AAPG websites, all copyright laws shall be complied with.
  • Links to external websites owned by other associations and commercial entities are external to AAPG, and AAPG is not responsible for their content.
  • Include http:// before all websites in all URLs so the link is automatically hyperlinked and only one click away.
  • The content is not to be in conflict with the goals, objectives, policies or guidelines of AAPG.
  • The quality of the published content is a reflection on AAPG, its reputation and image. It is not to contain inappropriate or commercial material or items deemed as self-serving but should remain within the guidelines of the Code of Ethics.
  • English is the official language of the AAPG websites. All discussion board messages must be made in English.
  • Online discussion areas are expected to remain professional and appropriate to the AAPG audience. A healthy dialogue with constructive criticism can be useful but refrain from engaging in dialogue that could disparage colleagues, competitors or critics. Refrain from reporting, speculating, discussing or giving any opinions on Association topics or personalities that could be considered offensive, sensitive, confidential or disparaging.
  • AAPG reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to screen and remove any content it deems inappropriate. This includes commercial content whose primary purpose is to sell a product, a service, or other such practices via the AAPG pages, as well as content that harasses, abuses, threatens, posts contains profanity or hate speech, is offensive or in any way violates the rights of others.
  • Personal attacks on others, members and staff are prohibited.
  • Although it may screen and remove content, AAPG is not responsible for the content posted by others on the AAPG pages. We also reserve the right to remove posts containing any and all links.
  • Don’t post overly personal information like phone numbers, home addresses, personal schedules, etc. unless you feel comfortable being contacted by strangers. Users have been stalked by uninvited viewers of their social media pages when they posted overly personal information.
  • Don’t post pictures of your friends without their permission. It may be considered a legitimate invasion of their privacy, or may jeopardize their chances for a job, or working for future clients.
  • Always show proper consideration when discussing religion, politics or any other controversial issues that may provoke a charged, emotional response.
  • Don't try to settle scores or goad competitors or others into inflammatory debates. Here and in other areas of public discussion, cooperate and acknowledge that everyone is important. Never assume superiority. Always be humble. And be open to compromise, particularly when the cost of conflict outweighs the cost of losing ground.

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