You are invited to prepare a poster display for presentation. If you are interested in participating, please send a short abstract to [email protected] by 25 May 2025. All posters will be produced as pull-up banners and delivered by AAPG and EAGE. There will not be any other format available for poster display
Poster Abstract Template
Discover the Future of Clean Energy
Beneath the surface of the Earth lies a vast untapped source of clean and sustainable energy. This geothermal energy has the potential to revolutionize how we power our homes, cities, and industries, especially in the Middle East.
With advancements in technology and exploration, we now have the tools to unlock this resource – beyond electricity – to pave the way for a greener and more energy secure future. Aligning with the region’s visions, which prioritize economic diversification, environmental stewardship, and reduced reliance on fossil fuels, geothermal energy emerges as a strategic resource in the region's quest for a sustainable future. For geoscientists, engineers, decision makers, and policy makers, the Middle East presents a unique opportunity to apply their skills and expertise to unlock the potential of geothermal energy.
The subsurface realm of geothermal systems continues to evolve, with many questions surrounding the interplay between low/medium/high enthalpy systems, structure, stratigraphy, hydrothermal activity, well design and operation, and technology. Despite these complexities, geoscientists and engineers continue to develop innovative approaches to identifying, characterizing, and tapping into these systems, driving progress toward commercial-scale geothermal energy production.
This workshop will bring together global experts to explore how geothermal could become a cornerstone of the Middle East sustainable energy efforts.
What will be Discussed.
Why Attend?
Who Should Attend.
Workshop Topics
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* To avail the Member rate you must be an active member of AAPG, EAGE, DGS, GSO or KGS.
** To register as a Young Professional, you must be under the age of 35 with less than 10 years work experience.
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