Rift basins worldwide still contain significant yet to find hydrocarbon resources, and therefore remain an important target for exploration as well as part of the future strategy of several players in the oil & gas industry. The emergence of new technologies in data acquisition, data processing, well completion coupled with notable advancements in our overall understanding of rift basin evolution have opened up new areas for exploration in the already explored as well as still unexplored rift basins.
For the explorationist rift basins are a veritable playground. Exploration success can come in the form of discoveries in siliciclastic reservoirs or by equally productive carbonate plays. However, even though the potential is considerable several rift basins in this region are still in the infancy of the exploration cycle, with vast areas not yet tested by the drill bit.
This three-day workshop will investigate the latest geological and geophysical thinking on the development and exploration of rifted basins. Discussions will then apply the most recent developments in our understanding to the basins of the Middle East and neighboring regions.
The workshop will emphasize case studies from around the world showcasing studies in basin development, petroleum systems, salt tectonics as well as structural and stratigraphic play development. Studies from the basins of the Middle Eastern region, especially those related to the Red Sea system, will be discussed within the broader context of rift basins and rifted margins.
This event will provide an opportunity to network and share experiences from around the world and will be of value to those in both academia and industry. The program will include oral presentations, discussions and focused breakout sessions to openly discuss and share learnings on this important and fascinating topic.
This workshop targets technical experts involved in exploring and developing rift basins who are working in national operating and service companies, as well as academic institutions.
Date: 4th February Time: 10.30 – 12.30 Workshop Leader: Paul Bellingham, ION
This hands-on seismic workshop will use conjugate seismic data from the South Atlantic as the basis to investigate the basin architecture and tectonostratigraphic development.
Using example lines from world renowned deep, mega-regional Basin SPAN seismic data, participants will be able to directly interpret the full crustal structure and the stratigraphy from shelf to the distal setting. After initial presentations, the group will spend time interpreting some of the key features on a set of sections and will then convene to discuss what can be inferred about the structure, development, environments of deposition and the implications for the petroleum system in the areas.
The workshop will include seismic data from different rift settings including magma-rich areas and those dominated by salt deposition.
We have a limited number of rooms blocked at the hotel at the rate of BD 55++ per room per night.
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Please Note
The AAPG rate only applies to reservations for 2-5 February 2020. After this date the best available rate will apply.
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