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The Importance of Exploration and Production in the Energy Transition

Occurred Tuesday, 9 May Wednesday, 10 May 2023, 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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The AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region and the Brazilian Association of Petroleum Geologists (ABGP) invite to join us for The Importance of Exploration and Production in the Energy Transition, a geosciences technology workshop (GTW), an in-person gathering designed to facilitate learning, sharing, and open discussion among all attendees. 

The 2-day workshop features a series of technical presentations, panels, roundtable discussions and networking opportunities with industry leaders, government representatives and technical experts.

The event is perfect for geologists, geophysicists, engineers, managers, and business development professionals who are interested in learning strategies to help Brazil maintain its E&P capacity while transitioning to a decarbonized economy.

Featured Speakers
Jonilton Pessoa
Acting Executive Manager - Exploration Assets
Ronan Ávila
Deputy Superintendent
Rogerio Soares Cunha
General Manager - Exploration Assets
Lucio Prevatti
Brazil Exploration Manager
Claudio Makarovsky
Energy Industry Director
Microsoft Brazil
Marta Vieira Abrão
General Manager of Exploration Data and Applications Technologies
Andre Bello
Decarbonization and Energy Technology Manager
Petrobras Research Center
Maria Clara Costa
Subsurface Manager
Frederico Miranda
Exploration Director
Angela Uller
Director of Technology and Innovation
COPPE Low Carbon Solution Center
Tuesday, 9 May 2023
08:00-08:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
General Co-Chairs: Victor Vega, LACR Corporate Advisor; AAPG Sylvia Anjos, Executive Director, ABGP
Honorary Chair: Jonilton Pessoa, Acting Executive Manager – Exploration, Petrobras
08:30-09:00 Special Presentation
Ronan Ávila, Deputy Superintendent, Geological Assessment and Economic Superintendency, National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP)
SESSION I. Onshore and Offshore Exploration and Development: Mature Fields and New Plays
Chairs: Frederico Miranda, Exploration Director, Eneva; Luis Longhi, Subsurface Manager, PRIO
09:00-09:05 Session Chair Introduction
09:05-09:30 Atlanta Heavy Oil Field: an Outstanding Project in Santos Basin Deepwaters
Renilton Brandão (presenter) Antonio Kronbauer, Enauta
09:30-09:55 Parnaíba Basin Onshore Gas: A Key Factor in Achieving Cleaner Energy
Armando de Almeida Ferreira1 (presenter), Frederico Silveira de Miranda2, Diogo Michelon1; 1Eneva, 2ABGP
09:55-10:15 Coffee Break/Poster Visits
10:15-10:40 Importance of Oil Field Production Geology in the Redevelopment of Selected Onshore and Offshore Fields in Brazil
Sidnei Rostirolla, 3R Petroleum
10:40-11:05 Maximizing Resources in Mature Fields: Exploring Revitalization Strategies and Case Studies from PRIO
Marina Jordão, Thais Borba, Luis Longhi, PRIO
11:05-11:30 Maximizing Value in the Revitalization of Mature Fields
Maria Clara Costa, Equinor
11:30-11:55 The Petroleum Systems of the Pelotas Basin
Karyna Rodriguez (presenter), Neil Hodgson, Searcher
11:55-12:15 Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs
12:15-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-13:45 Session I-II Poster Announcements
SESSION II. Offshore Challenges and Opportunities: Pre-Salt, Post-Salt and Equatorial Margins
Chairs: Lucio Prevatti, Exploration Manager, Shell Brazil; Rogerio Soares Cunha, General Manager – Exploration Assets Petrobras, Petrobras
13:45-13:50 Session Chair Introduction
13:50-14:20 Keynote Talk - The Brazilian Equatorial Margin, The Next in Line After Post-salt and Pre-salt: The Role of Petrobras in Opening Exploratory Frontiers
Rogerio Soares Cunha; Petrobras
14:20-14:45 Southwest Santos Basin: an Enticing New Deepwater Province
Kostia Azbel, Isabela Coimbra, Diego Gracioso, Marcela Lorenzo (presenter), Mike Steventon, Phil Thompson; Shell
14:45-15:10 Integration of Seismic Data and Geomechanical Models for the Brazilian Pre Salt Reservoirs
Talles Barsanti Meneguim (presenter), Thelson Luiz Pinheiro de Almeida, Filipe Augusto de Souto Borges, Alexandre Rodrigo Maul, Renata dos Santos Giacomel, Viviane Kotani Shimizu, Antonio M. Nabuco Tartarini; Petrobras S.A.
15:10-15:35 Fracture Network and Karst Simulation Applied to a Pre-Salt Carbonate Reservoir
Marcio Spinola1 (presenter), Luiz Eduardo Santos2, Franco Borges Quadros2, Caroline Cazarin2, Mitchel Xavier1, Enrique Estrada1, Pedro Moraes1; 1Halliburton, 2Petrobras
15:35-15:50 Coffee Break/Poster Visits
15:50-16:15 QI overview of the Brazilian Equatorial Margin
Yermek Balabekov, PGS
16:15-16:40 Pre-Salt Mounds Identification: How Logs Can Help
Cristiano Sombra (presenter), Davy Brandão, Rafael Plawiak, Fabio Coelho, André Ferrari, Luiz Gambôa; Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) — Instituto de Geociências, Laboratório de Geologia Marinha (LAGEMAR)
16:40-17:00 Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs
17:00-18:00 Poster Session
18:00-20:00 Participant Networking Reception and International Conference and Exhibition (ICE) Rio 2025 Launch
Wednesday, 10 May 2023
08:15-08:30 Welcome and Introductions
General Co-Chairs: Victor Vega, LACR Corporate Advisor, AAPG; Sylvia Anjos, Executive Director, ABGP
SESSION III. Decarbonization Strategies and Technologies: Potential for Hydrogen and Other Energies
Chairs: Angela Uller, Director of Technology and Innovation, COPPE Low Carbon Solution Center; Andre Bello, Manager of Energy and Decarbonization Technologies, Petrobras Research Center (CENPES)
08:30-08:35 Session Chair Introduction
08:35-09:05 Keynote Talk – Brazil: Unique Emissions Profile and Complementarity between Oil, Gas and Renewables
Andre Bello, Petrobras Research Center (CENPES)
09:05-09:30 Chevron’s Approach to Lower Carbon Intensity in Our Operations
Cesar Taba, Chevron
09:30-09:55 Offshore Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen
Segen Estefen1, Milad Shadman2; 1COPPE, 2UFRJ
09:55-10:20 Coffee break/Poster Visits
10:20-10:45 GIS CCUS Brazil: A New Interactive Tool to Help the Development of the National CCUS Market
Daiane dos Santos Cardoso1 (presenter), Leonardo Bachi1, João Pedro Tauscheck Zielinski1, Clarissa Lovato Melo1, Antonio Rosales Concalves Oliveira1, Priscila Fonseca Clave Gomes1, Moema Martins2
1Institute of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, 2Petrobras
10:45-11:10 Exploration of the Paraná Basin – What Might be Missing to Unlock this Basin, Which Could Play an Important Role in the Energy Transition?
Patricia Takayama (presenter), Roberto Ribeiro, ENEVA
11:10-11:35 Exploring Brazilian Volcanic Basins for Hydrocarbons and Permanent Carbon Storage
Sverre Planke (presenter), Dougal Jerram, Volcanic Basin Energy Research
11:35-12:00 Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs
12.00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-13:45 Session III-IV Poster Announcements
SESSION IV. Digital Transformation and Technology for Oil and Gas and the Energy Transition
Chairs: Claudio Makarovsky, Energy Industry Director, Microsoft Brazil; Sebastião Pereira, E&P Intelligence Specialist, Eneva
13:45-13:50 Session Chair Introduction
13:50-14:15 Digital Transformation in the Oil and Gas Industry: What is New?
Claudio Makarovsky, Microsoft
14:15-14:40 Data and Digital Powering a New Generation of Projects: From Risk Mitigation to Results Optimization
Marta Vieira Abrão, Petrobras
14:40-15:05 Exploration Digitalization: From Ideation to Roll-Out
Menal Gupta (presenter), Francesco Menapace, Quintijn Van de Laarschot, Shell
15:05-15:25 Coffee break/Poster Visits
15:25-15:50 Reduction of the Carbon Footprint in Drilling Operations Through the Digital Implementation of a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation
Durley Solano, Angela Martínez (presenters), Frontera Energy
15:50-16:15 Magnetotellurics: From Oil & Gas Exploration to Renewables
Patricia de Lugao (presenter), Berthold Kriegshaeuser, Eric Correa, Strataimage Consultoria Ltda and Strataimage Energy Services
16:15-16:35 Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs
16:35-17:00 Final Remarks
Special Session for Brazil Student and Young Professional Chapters
17:30-19:00 Roundtable Discussion and Meet and Greet  
Posters (displayed throughout the entire workshop on 9-10 May)
SESSION I. Onshore and Offshore Exploration and Development: Mature Fields and New Plays
From Onshore Mature Fields to Offshore Frontier Basins: Exploration Using Magnetotellurics
Patricia de Lugao (presenter), Berthold Kriegshaeuser, Eric Correa; Strataimage Consultoria Ltda and Strataimage Energy Services
Drilling with 3D Geomechanical Modeling - Efficient Simulation Methods
Hamad Al-Hamad1 (presenter), Meqdad Al-Naqi1, Abdul Aziz Al-Sajer1, Anwar Al-Rowayeh1, Sarah Al-Samhan1, Assef2, Mohamad-Hussein2, Qinglai Ni2, Surej Kumar Subbiah2; 1Kuwait Oil Company (KOC); 2Schlumberger
Spectral Gamma-Ray Logging for Facies Characterization and Prediction in Carbonate-Evaporite-Siliciclastic Successions of Nova Olinda Formation, Pennsylvanian of Amazon Basin
Manuella Yebra de Lima e Silva, Eneva
SESSION II. Offshore Challenges and Opportunities: Pre-Salt, Post-Salt and Equatorial Margins
Salt Tectonics Impact on the Modeling of Petroleum Systems in the Campos and Santos Basins
Gustavo Acevedo1 (presenter), Oriol Pla1, Maria Auxiliadora Martínez2, Andrés Mora2, Misael Franca Felix1, Antonio Peraro1, Wendel Barbosa Araujo1, Juan Carlos Hidalgo3; 1Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás do Brasil Ltda, 2Ecopetrol S.A., 3Schlumberger (SLB)
Current Understanding of the Rift-to-Transitional Plays in the Distal Ceará basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin
Erika Barbosa (presenter), Eduardo Jimenez Pinilla, Fernando Gomes de Souza, Gustavo Andres Camelo Acevedo, Paulo Otávio Gomes, Wendel Barbosa de Araújo, Martin Cortes Quigua, Tiancong Hong, Ecopetrol
Improved Exploration for Shallow Gas Resources with a Multi-Physical Approach
Dag Helland-Hansen1 (presenter), Ole Jakob Birkeland2, Elias Nerland1; 1EMGS-Norway, 2EMGS-Brazil
Espírito Santo Basin, Aptian Palynostratigraphy Challenges and a New Approach to Modelling Petroleum Systems
Priscila Figueiredo Amaral (presenter) Rodolfo Dino, Luzia Antonioli, Helena Portela, Giovanni de Oliveira, UERJ
Assessing Play Potential in Open Acreage of the Campos Basin
Joao Victor Lima, Jeff Tilton, Juliana Santos, Yermek Balabekov (presenter), PGS
SESSION III. Decarbonization Strategies and Technologies: Potential for Hydrogen and Other Energies
Evolution of Land Seismic to Support Renewable Exploration
Nick Tranter1 (presenter), Richard de Kunder2; 1Stryde, 2Seismic Mechatronics
SESSION IV. Digital Transformation and Technology for Oil and Gas and the Energy Transition
Reduction in Time to Start Production of Exploratory Wells in an Extra-Heavy Crude Field in Colombia with a Focus on Reducing CO2 Emissions
Juan Rodriguez (presenter), Hyulder Pinzon, Ecopetrol
How an Industry Innovation Hub Can Promote Open Innovation in Energy Segment
Luiz Claudio Mandarino Freire1 (presenter), Marcos Do Amaral De Almeida2; 1Energy Hub Ventures & Sai do Papel Innovation Group, 2FEC-UFF
The Importance of Exploration and Production in the Energy Transition
Rio Othon Palace
Av. Atlântica, 3264 - 5º andar - Copacabana Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro 22070-001
+55 21 2106 1500

The Rio Othon Palace has a limited number of rooms available with discounted rates for GTW Brazil participants.

Room rates available are as follows:

Type Rate* per night (BRL)

  • Superior Room (Side sea view) $508
  • Luxury Room (Side sea view) $548
  • Luxury Room (frontal sea view) $700
  • Super Luxury (frontal sea view) $995

*Taxes and fees are not included in the price.
Rooms include breakfast, Wifi, beach service and access to the pool

Please follow the instructions below to reserve your room:

  1. Visit the hotel website, https://www.othon.com.br, and select the Hotel (Hoteis), check and check out date (datas), number of adults (adultos) and children (crianzas) that will be staying in the room.
  2. Click RESERVAR to select the room .
  3. On the next screen (with a green bar across the top), you can change the language from Portuguese to English.
  4. Verify the check in and check out date, the number of rooms and guests.
  5. Click on the “I have a code” (tenho um Código) box.
  6. Enter 70582 in the group code box
  7. Click on the SELECT button located in the box for GTW Brazil.
  8. Select one or more rooms to add to the reservation.
  9. Click BOOK NOW
  10. Enter your email address, and personal details associated with the reservation.
  11. Click on the box indicating if the reservation is for you or for someone else.
  12. Click on GO TO PAYMENT.
  13. Add your credit card number to confirm the reservation. (you will not be charged for the reservation)
  14.  Accept terms and conditions, and click on CONFIRM THE BOOKING.
  15. View and safe the Booking is confirmed page, and record the confirmation message.
Emily Smith Llinás AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Director
Diana Ruiz Vásquez AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Events Manager
Virtual Delegate Bag
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With Support From

Associação Brasileira de Geólogos de Petróleo  (ABGP)
EnerGeo Alliance

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