AAPG Europe Will Be At DEVEX 2019

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

AAPG Europe is proud to announce AAPG members will be entitled to attend DEVEX at the SPE member rate. Sign up now and register!

DEVEX technical programme is now available.

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DEVEX is now in its 16th year and is the only technical conference of its size which is focused on the full cycle of reservoir discovery, evaluation, development and recovery in the UK and provides excellent opportunities for engineers and geoscientists to come together and share knowledge.

DEVEX 2019 will explore the great fields of the past and how we are optimally managing them, along with the re-development of smaller pools, utilising new technologies and ways of working to make the most out of these assets. Devex will investigate the lessons learned over the last 50 years, whilst being mindful of the challenges and changes ahead, to ensure we maximise economic recovery and create a sustainable future for the UKCS.

As well as a strong technical programme, delegates will gain access to expert-led Masterclasses, Core displays, an event for Young Professionals and a Field Trip. The conference will also provide ample networking opportunities during the coffee, lunch breaks and networking session. To learn more about the DEVEX conference, please visit: http://www.devex-conference.org/

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