Modern outcrops and subsurface data sets provide a mapping opportunity to characterize deep water depositional systems from shelf edge to basin plain. This includes observations of the grain- to basin-scale framework and key stratigraphic surfaces that subdivide the basin-fill.
Analysis from recent mapping campaigns (2009-2020) from more than 20 stratigraphic intervals in the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific yields the following insights:
The Deepwater Depositional Systems masterclass includes an overview of the mapping campaigns and new observations on sediment gravity flows, their processes of transport and sedimentation, and their bearing on oil and gas exploration and development in deepwater depositional systems.
Content incorporates observations from passive margins including faulted slopes and ponded mini-basins, and active margins including foreland, forearc, back-arc, strike-slip, intracratonic and hybrid basins.
The Deepwater Depositional Systems masterclass includes a field-based analysis of the range and variation in deep-water siliciclastic conventional petroleum reservoirs.
The course explores new themes in petroleum reservoir research and applications, current solutions for classic reservoir challenges and the relevance of technical challenges to exploration, appraisal and development drilling programs.
The material questions the turbidite reservoir paradigm established since the 1960s and provides a route to modern solutions.
Upon completion of the masterclass, participants will have an improved ability to characterize and interpret deepwater stratigraphy and reservoirs.
The course provides an added benefit for corporate teams, as content will help them to mature exploration concepts in areas of interest and as well as aid in the development decisions of existing fields.
Insights gained during the session will enable subsurface teams to characterize and rank the value of their projects in other regions and on a global scale.
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