20 June, 2019 Houston Texas United States

Hydrocarbon Microseepage: Recent Advances, New Applications, and Remaining Challenges

18-20 June 2019
Houston, Texas, United States
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Conference Description

The past two decades have seen not only a continued interest in the topic of hydrocarbon microseepage, but have resulted in ongoing development of new and novel exploration technologies and applications. These have led to improved integration of geochemistry with geology, geophysics, and remote sensing, and have resulted in more efficient exploration and development strategies.

We hope to bring together 70-90 international experts from industry, academia, and government to review the state of knowledge of hydrocarbon microseepage in light of the new body of data and insights gained in the past two decades and current research directions.


The past two decades have seen not only a continued interest in the topic of hydrocarbon microseepage, but have resulted in ongoing development of new and novel exploration technologies and applications.

This research conference to be held June 18-20, 2019 in Houston, Texas, brings together experts from industry, academia and government to review the state of knowledge of hydrocarbon microseepage. Conveners for this conference are Dr. Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Dr. Gary K. Rice.

Technical Themes
Theme 1. Microseepage and other Natural Hydrocarbon Seepage

Their recognition and characteristics, onshore and offshore

Theme 2. Migration Mechanism, Rates, and Models for Hydrocarbon Microseepage

Perhaps including role of earth tides in seepage.

Theme 3. Methods for Hydrocarbon Detection and Analysis

Geochemical, mineralogical, biological, spectral and hyperspectral remote sensing, seismic and non-seismic geophysical, optical gas detection, DNA, etc.

Theme 4. Data Integration and Data Analysis

Advanced methods for recognition and characterization of anomalies.

Theme 5. Pre-Drill Prediction of Hydrocarbon Charge

Documented case histories from survey design to post-survey drilling results; hydrocarbon composition prediction

Theme 6. Other Applications to Exploration, Development, and Production Monitoring

Exploration and development case histories, monitoring of hydrocarbon drainage.

Theme 7. Applications to Other Fields

I.E., Climate Change, Petroleum System Analysis, Leakage of Gases from CO2 Sequestration and CO2/EOR, Projects, etc.



The purpose of this Hedberg Research Conference will be to review the state of knowledge of hydrocarbon microseepage in light of the new body of data and insights gained in the past two decades and current research directions.

Norris Conference Center
816 Town & Country Lane, Suite 210
Houston Texas 77024
United States
(713) 590-0950
Houston, TX - Norris Conference Center - CityCentre Houston, TX - Norris Conference Center - CityCentre 49896 Norris Conference Center



Events Coordinator +1 918 560 2616
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/collins-alicia.jpg?width=75&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 1943 Alicia Collins
Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology +1 918 560 2604
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/nash-susan.jpg?width=75&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 28 Susan Nash, Ph.D.

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