Welcome to the new EMD Member Directory

Membership has its privileges and one of these is to build relationships with other association members that share similar disciplines and interests. EMD leadership is also concerned about protecting the identity and contact information of its members. For that reason there are some limitations on this directory access.

  • You must be an EMD member to be able to use this Directory.
    You also must log into the website. If you are a member of EMD but do not see the search box on the right, please check if you are logged in.
  • Only 250 records will be displayed at any time.
    Those members who already know you should be able to know enough information to hone their search to find you. Should this not be the case, you may email AAPG Member Services and request to get in touch with the person you are seeking.
  • This page will time out after 10 minutes.
    In the name of privacy this page times out to keep people from harvesting contact information for the purpose of soliciting business. In the name of protecting your good name, we understand anyone may be interrupted and called away from their current task. By timing out the page, we make sure someone is not able to use your log in without your knowledge.
Search Tips:
  1. Start small – for best results the less criteria you enter, the more results you will get. 
  2. Try, try again – since results are limited to 250 – you may need to amend your search criteria by adding additional information in another field. This will narrow your results.
  3. Don't get frustrated – if you can't seem to find the person you are looking for there may be a reason. For example, only members who are current in their dues are included or you might be looking for someone who has left the association. Be quick to for assistance.
You are currently not logged in. Please LOG IN to use the Member Directory.

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