Overpressure in Shale Gas – When Geochemistry and Engineering Data Meet and Agree

26 September, 2013
Who Should Attend
Geologists, engineers, and geochemists who work on asset teams to optimize drilling and production performance.

The goal of this e-symposium is to demonstrate how the integration of geochemical data with hydraulic fracturing and reservoir pressure data can be used to determine distinct pressure domains within a shale gas reservoir.

Course Content

Overpressured systems can thus be estimated by geochemistry, using any of the following parameters, either independently or in combination:

  • Gas composition
  • Gas carbon isotope signatures
  • Rock-Eval data (Tmax).

The presentation will discuss key reservoir information and how to develop a predictive pressure model:

  • Geochemistry
    • Tmax RockEval
    • Vitrinite (Ro)Microscopy
    • Gas compositionIsotubes and Geojars
    • Isotope compositionIsotubes and Geojars
  • Frac Gradient
  • Reservoir Pressures
  • Overpressure links all of the above

We'll also cover the following practical/economical Implications:

  • Mudweight predictions
  • Casing Strength Prediction
  • Choosing where to drill and frac
  • Overpressured zone
  • Dry gas
Structure of the E-Symposium

Each e-symposium consists of one-hour live e-symposium, along with material for one full day of independent study. The live portion will be followed by a full day of independent study (not a live event). The one-hour live e-symposium can be accessed from any computer anywhere in the world using a high-speed internet connection. After the event is over, you will receive via email information about accessing the asynchronous segment (not live) which consists of your independent study materials, to be accessed and studied at any time. You will be able to email responses to the readings, along with your study question answers for CEU credit (if you sign up for the extended package).

Price Includes: Video, PDF of presentation, additional readings / resources. A link to course materials will be provided upon registration.

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Jean-Yves Chatellier Nexen, Calgary, AB, Canada
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