08:00-17:30 |
Suriname Basin Studies Workshop
Presentations, roundtable discussions and deep dives with Staatsolie |
18:00-20:00 |
Opening Reception and Cultural Night
Open to Basin Studies Workshop and Technical Symposium participants |
08:00-08:30 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Annand Jagesar, Managing Director, Staatsolie, Honorary Chair; Patrick Brunings, Offshore Exploration & Non-Operated Ventures Asset Manager, Staatsolie; SPE Suriname Section Chair, General Co-Chair; Anupama Venkataraman, Guyana/Suriname New Opportunities Manager, ExxonMobil, General Co-Chair; Xavier Moonan, AAPG Latin America and Caribbean Region President |
Session I: Tectonic and Basin Modeling
Session Chair(s): Roy Fitzsimmons, Hess; Eshita Narain, Staatsolie
08:30-08:35 |
Session Chair Introduction |
08:35-09:05 |
The hydrocarbon source rock potential across northern South America: Reconstructions of depositional and generative geochemistry from Venezuela to Suriname
Daniella Gutiérrez (presenter)1 2, Andrew Pepper1 3, Joseph Curiale1, Shawn Wright4, Liliana López5, Salvador Lo Mónaco5, 1University of Houston, 2Chevron, 3T!Ps LLC, 4Hess, 5Universidad Central de Venezuela |
09:05-09:35 |
Drivers of source maturity in the Guyana-Suriname Basin
Thomas Etzel (presenter), Jennifer Shosa, Garry D. Karner, Byrdie Renik, Luciana Tinker; ExxonMobil |
09:35-10:05 |
The Mid Campanian event in the Guyana-Suriname Basin: its role in the basin evolution and Golden Lane success
Mario Moreno-Vega (presenter)1, Roy Fitzsimmons1, Scott Pluim1, Dave Pocknall1, Ross Taylor2, Todd Fishburn1, Lindsay Shanks-Abel1, 1Hess Corp, 2Viridien |
10:05-10:30 |
Coffee Break/Poster and Exhibition Visits |
10:30-11:00 |
Are there Jurassic source rocks in the Guiana–Suriname Basin?
James Pindell (presenter); Tectonic Analysis Ltd., Rice University |
11:00-11:30 |
Redefining the crustal architecture of the Guiana and conjugate margins: impacts on paleogeography and exploration
Douglas Paton (presenter); Tectonknow, Paul Markwick; Knowing Earth |
11:30-12:00 |
Discovery Thinking in Central Atlantic Basins: banishing Petroleum System myths and misconceptions
Andrew Pepper (presenter); University of Houston, 3T!Ps LLC |
12:00-12:15 |
Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs |
12:15-13:30 |
Networking Luncheon |
Session II: Emerging Plays Outside the Golden Lane
Session Chair(s): Andrew Royle, Chevron; Sharista Kisoensingh, Staatsolie
13:30-13:35 |
Session Chair Introduction |
13:35-14:05 |
Unlocking the Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs in the Guiana Basin, Suriname
Maneesha Kisoensingh (presenter) 1, Arantxa Lieveld1, Benoit Vincent2, 1Staatsolie, 2Cambridge Carbonates |
14:05-14:35 |
Carbonate Evolution and Reservoir Potential in the Late Aptian- Early/Mid Albian in the Guiana Basin, Suriname
Arantxa Lieveld (presenter)1, Maneesha Kisoensingh1, Benoit Vincent2, 1Staatsolie, 2Cambridge Carbonates |
14:35-15:05 |
Assessing the Exploration Potential of Upper Slope Canyons in Shallow Offshore Suriname
Shiladitya Sengupta (presenter), Charlotte Ribes, Vincent Delhaye-Prat, Akash Singh, Ademola Lanisa, Leonardo Caixeta, Jean-Philippe Mathieu; TotalEnergies |
15:05-15:35 |
Coffee Break/Poster and Exhibition Visits |
15:35-16:05 |
Exploration Assessment of Upper Slope Channel-levee Complexes on the north Equatorial Atlantic Continental Margin
Stanley Rich Wharton (presenter); Subsurface Imaging Company Limited |
16:05-16:35 |
Compositional Variability and Seismic Response of Mudstones in the Guyana-Suriname Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration on the Shelf
Jessica Matthews1, Andrew Royle1 (presenters), Hernan Reijenstein1, Miguel Ascanio Regalado1, Bassel Almoughraby1, Patrick Sullivan2, 1Chevron, 2Colorado School of Mines |
16:35-17:05 |
Rejuvenating the Exploration Focus: Understanding the Stratigraphic Architecture and the Role of Flooding Shales Offshore Suriname – An Integrated Approach
Srinivas Tenepalli (presenter), Camille Ben Miloud, Shiju Jospeh, Charlotte Ribes, Aurele Forge, Christine Roumeas, Vincent Delhaye-Prat, Jean-Philippe Mathieu; TotalEnergies |
17:05-17:20 |
Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs |
Session III: Field Developments in Challenging Environments
Session Chair(s): Shu Lou, ExxonMobil; Amresh Mohan, SPE Suriname Section
08:00-08:05 |
Session Chair Introduction |
08:05-08:35 |
Understanding the reservoir architecture of Late Coniacian to Early Campanian Deepwater Deposits Offshore Suriname
Sue-Ellen van Dijk (presenter) 1, Dion Howard1, Vinita Bihariesingh-Raghoenath1, Carl Starke2, Maria Lake2, 1Staatsolie, 2ERCE |
08:35-09:05 |
Causes of Submarine Landslides and Implications of Geohazards in the Guyana Basin
Deron Saul (presenter), Uisdean Nicholson; Heriot-Watt University |
09:05-09:35 |
Improvement of sedimentological models through core-based geological insights
Dion Howard (presenter), Sue-Ellen van Dijk, Vinita Bihariesingh-Raghoenath, Emilie De Loof; Staatsolie |
09:35-10:05 |
Asphaltene deposition and flow assurance evaluation for Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) Pilot wells in Tambaredjo Oil Field
Kimberly Tjadikrama, Staatsolie |
10:05-10:15 |
Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs |
10:15-10:35 |
Coffee Break/Poster and Exhibition Visits |
Session IV: Data and Digital Technologies to Optimize E&P
Session Chair(s): Christine Roumeas, TotalEnergies; Eddie McAllister, Shell
10:35-10:40 |
Session Chair Introduction |
10:40-11:10 |
Offshore Suriname: Assessment of the Early Passive Margin Carbonate Units
Kimberly Tjadikrama, Staatsolie
Kyle Reuber (presenter), Yermek Balabekov, Henri Houllevigue; TGS |
11:10-11:40 |
Whose Fault Is It Anyway?
Ronald Daniel (presenter)1, 2Quentin Corlay, 1Staatsolie, 2Eliis SAS |
11:40-12:10 |
Integrating 21st-Century Tools for Basin Mastering: Insights from the Guyana-Suriname Basin
Camille Ben Miloud (presenter), Srinivas Tenepalli, Shiju Jospeh, Charlotte Ribes, Aurele Forge, Christine Roumeas, Vincent Delhaye-Prat, Jean-Philippe Mathieu, Pierre Jousselin, Jeremie Gaillot; TotalEnergies |
12:10-12:40 |
Benefits of high frequency & Realtime data acquisition during a Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) pilot in Onshore Tambaredjo Oilfield, Suriname
Alensia Gambier, Staatsolie |
12:40-12:55 |
Interactive Q&A with Presenters and Chairs |
12:55-13:00 |
Closing Remarks |
P1 |
Seismic Characterization of Tectonic Features and Geochemical analysis in the Southeastern Demerara Plateau: Comprehensive update of the Regional Geology and Hydrocarbon Exploration
Genevieve Hirschfeld (presenter); Staatsolie |
P2 |
Application of Data Science to optimize and automate Subsurface evaluation process,
Bernice Etnel (presenter), Shailesh Kisoensingh, Raidel Djodi, Bernice Etnel, Ricardo Kandhai; Staatsolie |
P3 |
Enhancing Offshore Data Management with the Delfi Digital Interpretation Platform
Ricardo Kandhai (presenter), Vikash Rambaran Mishre, Robert Wessels, Stephanie Sie Tjam Soi; Staatsolie |
P4 |
Evaluation of the non-movable hydrocarbon potential based on seismic interpretation and petrophysical evaluation of the La Tabla Formation in the Yaguará area, Upper Magdalena Valley
Abel Felipe Sandoval Velasco (presenter); Universidad Nacional de Colombia |