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AAPG Orphan, Abandoned, Idle, and Marginal Wells Conference

New Business and Technical Breakthroughs

Tuesday, 18 February Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.  |  Tulsa, Oklahoma

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The world of orphan, abandoned, idle, and marginal wells has expanded with new business opportunities and technology associated with plugging and repurposing wells, reducing methane emissions, protecting water supplies, and extending the lives of marginal wells.

This conference is ideal for all those who wish to tackle the issues of orphan, idle, abandoned, and marginal wells, either from the business perspective or a technical one.  For those seeking a way to build a viable business of plugging wells, reducing emissions, and potentially reviving or repurposing the wells, we will have a full track with topics that will enable you to design a project from inception (identifying and classifying wells), to completion, with an eye to funding sources and mechanisms that have recently emerged.
For those who are focused on operations and regulatory compliance, this conference is ideal for operators, geologists, engineers, chemists and environmental specialists who will learn about new regulations, new materials, technologies, and best practices for testing, plugging, and ongoing operations.
Following the two-day in-person conference there will be a one-day training course on methane monitoring on 20 February.



No refunds will be issued after 5 February.

*The member rates apply to AAPG members who are currently in good standing.

Welcome coffee, coffee breaks, buffet lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, and an end-of-day reception on Tuesday.

7:00 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast, Badge Pick-up
8:00 AM Welcome / Information / Sponsor Introductions
Introduction (by Dan Arthur): History, well types & locations, risks (e.g., fire, H2S, blowouts, contamination), complexities, site access, past practices, regulatory evolution, developing technologies & materials, funding options, the carbon market, repurposing options, urbanization, etc. Would serve to introduce the conference and training workshop and site testing.
Track 1 – Business
9:00 AM Session 1: Human Health & Environmental Benefits of Well Plugging & Site Restoration: Including environmental, nature, surface & groundwater, human health, safety, restored landuse, jobs, etc.
Nick Gianoutsos, United States Geological Survey USGS Science to Support Orphan Well Plugging
Josh Woda, United States Geological Survey Orphan Wells Risks to Groundwater Aquifers
Kelsey Singleton, H2E Environmental Director: Understanding the Importance and Impacts of Reclamation
Don Hegburg, Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Protection Jobs and Workforce Development
10:00 AM Networking Break
10:30 AM Session 2: Finding Orphan Wells, Data Bases and Funding Options Available for Well Plugging and Site Restoration
Dwayne Purvis, Purvis Energy Advisors Funding Options for Plugging Orphan Wells and Avoiding Orphans
Don Hegburg, Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Protection Pennsylvania’s Orphan Well Plugging Update
Bill Walsh, Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Protection
Fabio Ciulia, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bridging Times: How AI Locates Undocumented Orphaned Wells from Historical Topographic Maps
12 Noon Networking Lunch
1:00 PM Session 3: Reindustrialization, Re-purposing, Revitalizing Fields OAW Wells (Geothermal, Energy Storage, CCUS, Bitcoin, Power Generation, EOR, etc.)
Steve Tedesco, Running Foxes The Role of Plugging Orphan Wells in Reindustrialization
Jonathan Kohn, BitPetro BitCoin Mining: Insights after Three Years of Successful Bitcoin Mining
William Lynn, Osage Nation Orphan Well Program on the Osage Reservation
Mike Orr, Occlusion Solutions Methane for Hydrogen Creation, Data Centers, and More
Dan Arthur, ALL-LLC Carbon Credit Considerations for Alternative Solutions
2:30 PM Networking Break
3:00 PM Session 4: Methane Capture & Reclamation Carbon Registry Protocols (Technical Details, Stakeholder Participation, Processes, Verification/Validation, etc.)
Dan Arthur, ALL-LLC Overview
Dr. Glenn Ulrich, Parsons Methane Biofilter Applications for Mitigating Methane Emissions
Dan Wrona, CarbonPath Science-Based Carbon Credit Protocols: The Case of Carbon Path

PANEL: What the Legacy Capital Markets Will Need To Consider Carbon Solutions As A Legitimate Asset
Hugh McAlpine, GS Environmental LLC
Darren Wolfberg, Triangle Digital
Dan Romito, Pickering Energy Partners
Phil Boeding
JD Crabtree, Cloverly
Mark Mersman, Sendero
4:30 PM Networking Reception
Track 2 – Technical
9:00 AM Session 1: Orphan, Idle, Abandoned, and Marginal Wells: Overview from a Technical Perspective

Session 1: Planning & Risk Management: Managing a gaseous or fluid environment, well control, secondary containment, urban areas, rivers/wetlands/lakes, access challenges, etc.
Ron Krawczyk, Parsons Orphan Well Program Orphan Well Project Challenges: Bore Location, Site Access, and Permitting
Adam Derry, 360 Engineering and Environmental Consulting Best Practices for Well Plugging in Densely Populated Environments: Minimizing Risk and Impact
Dan Zimmerle, Colorado State University "Overview and next steps for the MERP project: Collaborative Approach to Reducing Emissions (CARE) for Marginal Wells
Saeed Salehi, Southern Methodist University Converting Abandoned Wells to Geothermal Well: Tuttle, Oklahoma Case Study and Keys to Success
10:00 AM Networking Break
10:30 AM Session 2: State & Federal Management of OAW Well Plugging and Emission Quantification.
Khalil El Hachem, FluxLab, St. Francis Xavier University Capturing the Environmental Risks of Oil and Gas Wells through Emission Rate Measurements
Michael Hickey, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Site Restoration and Residential Development
Graeme Hawkins, 360 Engineering and Environmental Consulting Regulatory Timelines for Closure: Lessons from the International Oil & Gas Industry and Their Impact on Orphan and Idle Wells
Bill Walsh, Contractor for Dept of Environmental Quality, Pennsylvania Attainable Bottomhole Realities; Undocumented Orphans in Pennsylvania
Donna Willette, Illinois Geological Survey
Nima Daneshvarnejad, University of Southern California
12 Noon Networking Lunch
1:00 PM Session 3: Well Plugging Design and Evolving Practices/Considerations.
Eilis Rosenbaum, DOE National Energy Technology Laboratories
Luke Plants, Plants and Goodwin
Mileva Radonjic, Oklahoma State University
Sunil Garg, DataVedik End-to-End Life-Cycle Management for Decommissioning Assets
2:30 PM Networking Break
3:00 PM Session 4: New Plugging Materials and Techniques (e.g., Reduced Carbon Materials, BioChar, Improved Material Blending, Polymer Cements, etc.)
Fred Gyllenhammar Subsidence: Will a Well Plug of Hard Material Do?
Catalin Teodoriu, University of Oklahoma Long-Term Performance of Oil Well Materials and the Materials Needed to Monitor P&A Wells
James Athans, Biosqueeze Biocementation: +800’ of Cement Restored via Rigless Treatment
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Networking Reception
7:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast Sponsor Booths and Posters
Track 1 – Business
8:00 AM Session 5: New Business With Reducing Methane, Stakeholder Engagement
Scott St. John, Red Dirt Funding Operations in Oklahoma, Texas, and the Osage Nation
Michael Nash, Nautilus Technologies Key Considerations for Sensors and Measurement Accuracy
Mike Nelson, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society Facing the Massive Increase in Energy Demand: A Case for a SuperGrid
Greg Dean, Adams Co., Colorado Beyond the Wellhead: Impacts of Orphan Well Sites
9:30 AM Networking Break
10:00 AM Session 6: Methane and VOC measurement for federal, state, and carbon credits funding
Whitney Landress, TrueMethane Expanding our Impact: Plugging Legacy Wells and Leveraging Carbon Offsets
Ty Atmaca, OneAtlas Applications of Drone Geophysics for Orphan Well Delineation
Robert R. Hendricks, Elevate Introduction to Remote Sensing and Applications to Orphan Well Issues
Sean Epps, Heath
Curtis Shuck
John Leitel, KonicaMinolta
Peter Penoyer, Citizens Climate Lobby Team Oil Carbon Dioxide Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW)
12 Noon Lunch
1:00 PM Session 7: Carbon Offsets: Novel Way to Fund, Plus Review of Methodologies
Curtis Shuck, Well Done Foundation Orphan Well and Carbon Credit Markets
Michael Goodman, Guardian P&A Taking Inventory of Carbon Credit Projects & Methodologies
2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM Session 8: Carbon Markets and New Platforms - Now and Future
Scott Yenzer, Well Done Foundation Efficiencies of Unified Data Platform
JD Crabtree, Cloverly
Dan Romito, Pickering Energy Partners Capital Markets for Orphaned and Marginal Wells Activities
Mark Mersman, Sendero Compliance vs. Voluntary Carbon Markets
Track 2 – Technical
8:00 AM Session 5: New Materials for Plugging and Operations Risk Management
Karl Haase, United States Geological Survey Environmental Corrosivity Processes that Affect Orphan Well Integrity
Ryan Swanson, Delsco Northwest Alternative Funding for Orphan Well Clean-Up Utilizing Voluntary Carbon Markets
Mahmoud R. Taha, TS-Nano Mitigating Methane Emissions from Abandoned Wells with Nanomodified Polymers: Strategies, Advantages, and Case Studies
Mahmoud R. Taha, TS-Nano Mitigating Methane Emissions from Abandoned Wells with Nanomodified Polymers: Strategies, Advantages, and Case Studies
Bryce Yeager, BioSqueeze Biomineralization
Catalin Teodoriu, University of Oklahoma Redesigning the Feature Event Processes (FEP) Method to Include Number on Well Bore Barrier Components and Evaluate the Risk LEvel of P&A Wells
Michael Hopkins, Ranger Energy Services New Technological Advances in Well Plugging
9:30 AM Networking Break
10:00 AM Session 6: Measurements and Detection: Methane Reduction, Infrastructure, Reservoir Fluids, Water Quality
Gordon Kiteley, Capstone Well Integrity
Michael Nash, Nautilus Technologies A Look Under the Hood: How to Get the Most Accurate and Reliable Measurements from Sensors
Sean Epps, Heath A QMS's Toolbox Approach: From Detection to CH4 Leak Rate Quantification
J. Brian Leen & Nabil Saad, Nikira Labs "Realtime Graphic Estimates of Methane Fugitive Emission Rates from Various Types of Gas Wells Using a Laser-Based Portable Methane Analyzer bundled with mini-Anemometer "
Larry Russell, Ranger Energy Services Case Study: Methane Emissions from Documented Orphan Wells in Texas
12 Noon Lunch
1:00 PM Session 7: Post-Plugging Activities: Monitoring, Environmental Clean-up, Aquifer preservation, surface
Mileva Radonjic, OSU Moderator
Adam Peltz, EDF Finding Undocumented Orphan Wells in Western Pennsylvania
Billy Lundy Jr, DeepEarth Technology & Jami Olson, Great Bear Technologies Advances in Remediation of Crude Oil Releases Signals Breakthrough in Detoxification Of Hydrocarbon Releases "Treatment in Place"
Aaron Lu, University of Pittsburgh Assessing Oil Spill Impacts by AI-Driven Comparative NLP Approach for Risk Mitigation: An Example from the Gulf of Mexico
Dan Keough, and Aleksei Andriianov, Precise Downhole Solutions Real-Time and Cloud-Based Fiber Optic Well Monitoring, Part 1: Surface Casing Vent Flow
Danny Cassady, Flogistix Drone-based Methane Detection
2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM Session 8: Carbon Solutions: Methane Reduction, Abandoned and Marginal Wells, Novel Approaches
John Leitel, Konica Minolta Advanced Carbon Detection Approaches
Donna Willette, Illinois Geological Survey Geological Input Integration with MERP Prioritization Methodology for Marginal Conventional Wells
Peter Penoyer, Citizens Climate Lobby Team Oil Introduction to CCL, global warming, and geologic CO2 removal
Nima Daneshvarnejad, University of Southern California Abandoned wells methane emission monitoring challenges and solutions
5:00 PM Posters
Short Course
Tulsa, OK - Hyatt Regency
Thursday, 20 February 2025, 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

This introduction to methane monitoring, measurement, and quantification is for all those who would like to understand the requirements and regulations regarding methane emissions and to be able to design a measurement and monitoring solution, complete with the appropriate types of technologies, techniques, and safety protocols.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
AAPG Orphan, Abandoned, Idle, and Marginal Wells Conference
Tulsa, OK - Hyatt Regency
100 East Second Street
TulsaOklahoma 74103
United States

Hyatt Regency Tulsa

Hyatt Regency Tulsa
Single/Double $119 + 16.517% tax
Price Includes:
Wi-Fi, Fitness Center, and Airport Shuttle
Booking Deadline:
21 January 2025

Book Accommodations
Please see attached and go to our main website for more info
More Information
Susan Smith Nash Susan Nash Director of Innovation, Emerging Science and Technology, AAPG, USA
Dan Arthur Dan Arthur Convener ALL-LLC
Andrew M. Govert Andrew Govert Technical Program Committee USA
Dwayne C. Purvis Dwayne Purvis Technical Program Committee Reservoir Engineering Consultant, DWAYNE PURVIS, P.E., USA
Nicholas J. Gianoutsos Nicholas Gianoutsos Technical Program Committee Project Chief of the USGS Orphan Wells Project , USGS, USA
Amanda M. Veazey Amanda Veazey Technical Program Committee Vice President, CSR Services, LLC, USA
Whitney Landress Whitney Landress Marketing / Publicity Director of Carbon Strategy, True Methane Technologies, USA
Kelsey Putnam Hughes Kelsey Putnam Hughes Marketing / Publicity Sun Wolf Energy
Kimbra Davis Kimbra Davis Director, Orphaned Wells Program Office, Department of the Interior, USA
Elizabeth McNamara Elizabeth McNamara Methane Mitigation Technologies, U.S. Department of Energy, USA
Theresa Curry AAPG Event Manager
Susan Nash, Ph.D. Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology
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