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Last Post 18 Jan 2022 06:24 PM by  Patrick Ng
Geothermal Anywhere starts with a click on a map
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Patrick Ng
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18 Jan 2022 06:24 PM
    AAPG Explorer - Existing Skills, Infrastructure Could Power Geothermal Revolution
    January 2022 Issue

    Now we can go Big on energy transition, if we can turn "geothermal anywhere" into reality.

    It so happens there is an app for that

    It complements the macro 45,000 ft view of the most current and comprehensive maps published by the Southern Methodist University’s Geothermal Laboratory.

    1) Prep-ML QC - micro perspective (within 5-km search radius) and proxy model (geothermal gradient). Spot check and plan ML algo and approach to learn from the data.

    2) Geology - we know how deep the wells are at which temperatures we can explore closed-loop, spiking-assisted and options to make the project economics work.

    p.s. love to hear your own experience on geothermal in sedimentary basins.

    SedHeat YouTube Channel (courtesy of Prof John Holbrook, TCU)
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