HomeAbout AAPG Overview Affiliated Societies

Affiliated Societies

An established society may request affiliation with AAPG if its purposes and goals are compatible with AAPG's.

  • Membership in the Society should consist of at least 60% degreed professional geologists.
  • The Society should disseminate scientific information either through publications and/or meetings.
  • Membership requirements in the Society should allow that an AAPG member anywhere in the world could qualify.
  • The Society's main objective and practice should be geologic and the dissemination of geologic information, as opposed to a political organization with a scientific branch or division. Some flexibility should be used in applying this criteria, since in many parts of the world there may not be alternatives.
A formal request should include:
  1. the action taken by the society concerning affiliation,
  2. names of officers,
  3. copy of constitution and bylaws (or equivalent governing documents), and
  4. a member list.

The application must be approved by the AAPG Executive Committee which meets quarterly, and then by the House of Delegates which meets once each year.

U.S. Affiliated Societies are entitled to representation in the AAPG House of Delegates. International Affiliated Societies automatically become part of one of the sixInternational Regions (listed in right sidebar) and are represented through their region (see Article IV of the Bylaws). Other benefits include a periodic listing of the society in the AAPG Bulletin and a quarter-page black and white ad of your choice once a year in the AAPG Explorer. The society's delegate list is published in each issue of the Bulletin. The society president receives special notices such as Distinguished Lecture tours and items of information concerning AAPG and the industry. An Affiliated Society is provided special consideration for entry into the Datapage's digital geology program.


There are no costs involved — no entry fee or annual dues. All members of the society need not be members of AAPG, but voting for and serving as a delegate to the AAPG House of Delegates requires individuals/candidates to be Members of the Association.

Request and documents should be sent to:

Executive Director, AAPG
P. O. Box 979
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 USA



Overview Pages

About AAPG

Headquarters Contacts

Vicki L. Beighle
Vicki Beighle Adminstrative Team Lead, AAPG +1 918 560 2615