A fresh new format designed for maximum knowledge and experience development, plus interactive, dynamic discussions. A workshop designed for optimal exchange of technical information, case studies, applications, experiences, and new insights. This workshop will have a unique structure. 8 main topics with quick overview presentations, followed by an in-depth panel discussion that involves the audience.
Welcome to a dynamic, engaging workshop format designed for optimal exchange of technical information, case studies, applications, experiences, and new insights. Find out which new technologies are getting the job done to dramatically cut costs, improve production, assure safety, protect the environment, boost corporate value, and discover new technology that will lead the future.
Presentations will address some of the major issues and concerns with experts sharing lessons learned, innovative solutions, and the way ahead. Each presenter/panelist will illustrate their points with slide show presentations. The panel discussion will be followed by audience questions and participation. After the event, participants will receive access to the presentations and a discussion forum to continue talks, collaboration, and information-sharing.
The program includes eight main topics:
- how digitalization is being implemented now to improve decline curves
- smart drilling and completions
- optimized fracs and refracs
- new primary and enhanced recovery techniques and chemicals
- new sensors resulting in better safety and environmental control
- machine learning and deep learning for predicting flow and equipment failure
- avoiding frac interference
- how the IoT is being used
Who Should Attend:
- petroleum engineers
- geoscientists
- chemists
- supply chain specialists
- environmental geologists
- entrepreneurs
- data scientists