03 October, 2018

Bob Shoup visits University Technology PETRONAS


AAPG Stalwart Mr Robert C. Shoup was invited to UTP on 3 October 2018 to give students of University Technology PETRONAS in Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia, an adjunct lecture on Subsurface Mapping. This event was a collaboration between the UTP Geoscience Department and AAPG UTP Student Chapter. A total number of 120 students were involved in Mr Robert's adjunct lecture and workshop.

AAPG Stalwart Mr Robert C. Shoup was invited to UTP on 3 October 2018 to give students of University Technology PETRONAS in Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia, an adjunct lecture on Subsurface Mapping. This event was a collaboration between the UTP Geoscience Department and AAPG UTP Student Chapter. A total number of 120 students were involved in Mr Robert's adjunct lecture and workshop (see photo gallery).

We are very grateful and thankful towards Mr Shoup who was willing to come down to UTP to give this lecture and conduct the workshop. We hope to get more opportunities to engage with AAPG leaders in the future for the sake of better geology understanding.

Article contributed by Shadishwaren Parameswaran, Acting President,
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG),
Student Chapter Universiti Teknologi Petronas.
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