18 September, 2018

Letter from Fiona MacAulay, AAPG Europe President 2018-2019


This time of year is always bittersweet as we say goodbye and thank you to council members who have reached the end of their terms and welcome our new council members to the team.

This time of year is always bittersweet as we say goodbye and thank you to council members who have reached the end of their terms and welcome our new council members to the team.

Today we say thank you and goodbye to the Europe region secretary Jonathan Redfern who has served us ably for the last two years, we know that Jonathan will continue to support us via the Manchester University chapter of the AAPG.

Of course we very much look forward to welcoming Lynda Chebbihi who will be taking on the role of Secretary who has the following words of introduction :

  • "I am a reservoir geologist based in Aberdeen, and working currently for a Hungarian Oil and Gas company.
  • I've been in the petroleum industry for 20 years, and a member of the AAPG since 2008 (10 years).
  • I am so thrilled by this opportunity to volunteer as a secretary for the AAPG European region. Time to give something back to the professional community, while broadening my network and knowledge.

Secondly our thanks go to Andrea Moscariello who has ably represented us to the Advisory Council for the last three years and is now moving on to be our IBA representative as well as continuing as a House of Delegates representative

Welcoming in his place Nick Lagrilliere, who is based in Copenhagen for Total. Nick has previously assisted the AAPG in the roles of chair/co-chair/vice-chair of various global AAPG committees and has worked closely with the EC and the Divisions in the past, as well as having participated in the HoD for several years as an alternate delegate for the ER.