29 November, 2017

Announcing AAPG's New Honorees


The AAPG Executive Committee has approved the following list of honors and award winners. The awards will be presented during the opening ceremony of the 2018 Annual Convention & Exhibition, set for May 20-23 in Salt Lake City.

The AAPG Executive Committee has approved the following list of honors and award winners. The awards will be presented during the opening ceremony of the 2018 Annual Convention & Exhibition, set for May 20-23 in Salt Lake City.

Honorees are:
Sidney Powers Memorial Award

Michael C. Forrest (Dallas)

Michel T. Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award

Hans H. Krause (Caracas, Venezuela)

Honorary Member Award

Jeffrey Brooks Aldrich (Denver)

Edward A. (Ted) Beaumont (Tulsa)

Gretchen M. Gillis (Houston)

Jeffrey W. Lund (Houston)

David G. Rensink (Houston)

Paul Weimer (Boulder, Colo.)

Norman H. Foster Outstanding Explorer Award

Susan Morrice (Iguana Creek, Cayo, Belize)

Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award

Carlo Doglioni (Rome)

Mark G. Rowan (Boulder, Colo.)

Distinguished Service Award

Peter Baillie (Perth, Australia)

Richard Ball (Houston)

Steven Brachman (Houston)

Cynthia Huggins (Bakersfield, Cali.)

Jon R. Schwalbach (Oxnard, Cali.)

Michael L. Sweet (Houston)

Grover E. Murray Memorial Distinguished Educator Award

Frank R. Ettensohn (Lexington, Ky.)

Phillip Steven Simony (Calgary, Canada)

Public Service Award

Thomas C. Chidsey Jr. (Salt Lake City)

Pioneer Award

Ian David Maycock (Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica)

Geosciences in the Media Award

Wayne Ranney (Flagstaff, Ariz.)

Young Professionals Exemplary Service Award

Ola Adly Fakhry Mohamed (Maadi, Cairo, Egypt)

Dwandari Ralanarko (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Vlastimila (Vlasta) Dvořáková International Ambassador Service Award (New)

David C. Blanchard (Houston)

Gilbert E. Odior (Lagos, Nigeria)

Publication Awards

Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award

Benjamin Kneller, Mason Dykstra, Luke Fairweather, Juan Pablo Milana

Robert H. Dott Sr. Memorial Award

Claudio Bartolini, Paul Mann

J.C. "Cam" Sproule Memorial Award

Jinyu Zhang, Ronald Steel, William A. Ambrose

John W. Shelton Search and Discovery Award

Andrew D. Miall

George C. Matson Memorial Award (Best Paper at 2017 ACE)

Paul G. Lillis

Jules Braunstein Memorial Award (Best Poster at 2017 ACE)

Katie Joe McDonough, Kenneth McDermott, Elisabeth Gillbard, Kyle Reuber, Jim Pindell, Brian W. Horn

SEG/AAPG Best Paper in Interpretation Journal Award

Krzysztof M. (Chris) Wojcik, Irene S. Espejo, Adebukonla Kalejaiye, Otuka Umahi