URTeC is headed to Houston, 23-25 July 2018, at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Take your brand to new heights by aligning with the premier event focused on the latest science and technology applied to exploration and development of unconventional resources.
Secure Your Sponsorships!
URTeC is headed to Houston, 23-25 July 2018, at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Take your brand to new heights by aligning with the premier event focused on the latest science and technology applied to exploration and development of unconventional resources.
Want to get your brand noticed?
Highly visible sponsorships ensure your message reaches scientists and executives seeking solutions for improved fiscal and operational results.
Become a key industry player.
Join the industry's elite by aligning your company with a high-quality, science technology forum developed by an interdisciplinary program committee.
Help fuel and advance your industry.
Invest in the innovations and technologies developed by geoscientists and engineers from the world's largest leading scientific organizations.
View the 2018 Current Sponsors
Questions? Contact us:
Mike Taylor
Exhibition Sales Manager
Tel: +1 918 630 5672
Tracy Thompson
Exhibition Sales Representative
Tel: +1 918 560 9414
Craig Moritz (SPE)
Exhibition and Sponsorship Sales
Tel: +1 713 457 6888