Addressing the concerns of early professionals and students

Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry


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Dear Visiting Geoscientists,

Our ad hoc committee was asked to put together a PowerPoint presentation addressing surviving in a downturn... "Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry." It is attached for your use.

We have several instructions for using this ...

First, it is intentionally LONG ... just to give YOU the materials to study and decide what YOU want to present. Do not try to give a talk with all 105 slides ... that is too much for one presentation. These are for YOU to SELECT from, and personalize. A good presentation will be reduced to 30-50 slides.

Second. Slides should not have more than 30 or so words on each one ... we have made our slides all inclusive ... so that you can study them and find YOUR message. Reduce wording on heavily worded slides.

Third. Personalize. Use your own examples. Use your own words and experiences.

Finally, we thank Dallas Dunlap, chair of the committee, for his extraordinary effort to prepare this and thanks to his formidable committee: Dallas Dunlap, Brian Brister, Fred Schroeder, Richard Ball, Lesli Wood, Steve Brachman, Meredith Faber, Herman Darman, and Michelle Judsen.

We would appreciate any feedback you wish to give us and hope this is helpful over the next couple of years as our industry adjusts to a different level of activity. (Please use the comment form below.)

Best regards,
Robbie Gries and Andras Nemeth, co-chairs VGP Committee

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