Recommended Bylaws Changes

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

As many of you are aware, the AAPG, along with the three divisions are attempting to expand our international membership and presence. There are six (6) AAPG international regions. The following list breaks out the DPA members for each region.

  • Africa – 21 members
  • Asia-Pacific – 51 members
  • Canada – 42 members
  • Europe – 43 members
  • Latin America – 13 members
  • Middle East – 12 members

TOTAL 182 international members (6% of DPA membership).

With this low level of international membership, the DPA truly cannot say it is an international division. It is vitally important to expand our international membership to something more acceptable. As President of the DPA for 2010-2011, international growth will be one of my key goals. In order to help accomplish this difficult task, we are recommending a Bylaws change in order to get more representation internationally in the ranks of our councilors. We will be working with the Presidents of each Region to identify aggressive candidates for councilors who have the passion to promote the DPA within the various regions.

Currently, the DPA has one international councilor. The By-Law change will allow for the DPA to have a councilor for each AAPG region or a total of six (6). This will provide representation around the world rather than be limited to just one councilor in one region.

Current Bylaw Wording:

Article IV. Governance – Section V. Councilors

Section 1.b Councilors shall be elected from each American Association of Petroleum Geologists Section and international membership on a proportional basis. Each section having one or more Division members shall be allowed one council member for each 200 resident Division members or major part thereof. International representation on the Council shall be one council member for each 200 international Division members or major part thereof.

As we can see, with the current language, the DPA cannot have more than one international councilor at this time (182 members). In additional with one councilor, in one region, how can this person effectively communicate and encourage DPA membership around the world? It cannot be done. Therefore we are recommending a change in the Bylaws.

Recommended New Bylaw Wording:

Article IV. Governance – Section V. Councilors

Section 1.b Councilors shall be elected from each American Association of Petroleum Geologists Section and international membership on a proportional basis. Each section and/or region having one or more Division members shall be allowed one council member for each 200 resident Division members or major part thereof.

The change to the by-law is shown in bold. As you can see it is a very minor change to the current wording. However this minor change will allow the DPA to obtain representation in all six (6) regions around the world.

In order to make a change to the Bylaws, the change must be presented to the entire council 60 days prior to voting. The council will cast their votes for the by-law changes by June 21, 2010, so that the new Bylaws will go into effect July 1, 2010.

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