Concepts of Scale: Horizontal Development of Wolfcamp Shale Oil of the Southern Midland Basin

02 October, 2014
Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for individuals involved in Midland Basin exploration and development.

Course Content

Successful development of Wolfcamp shale oil relies on complex inter-relationships (ultimately interdependencies) within and between a wide variety of scientific disciplines, financial entities, and company partnerships. The issues and nuances within any sub-category alone could fill a book. But many broad considerations can be highlighted in the exploration and development of Wolfcamp shale oil by examining “Concepts of Scale”. An English teacher might describe “Concepts of Scale” as a recurring thematic element. And if the view is sufficiently twisted with respect to all of the following observations, scale always has some role in the process.

This presentations addresses the development of the Wolfcamp Shale in the Permian Basin and is split into 2 parts. The first part of this presentation focuses on the scientific disciplines; grouped as geosciences and engineering. Geoscience observations include depositional fabrics, gas show variations, and comparative number of lateral landing zones (“benches”). Engineering observations include variations in frac stage designs (trends in numbers of stages, numbers of clusters, amounts of fluid and proppant), contrasting reservoir responses to frac stimulation from micro-seismic evaluation; and counter-intuitive goals for stimulated reservoir volumes.

The second part of this presentation focuses on the business disciplines; grouped as land, development capital, and company partnerships. Land observations include the geographical and mineral ownership complexities of potential lease configurations. Development capital observations emphasize the rapidly changing aspects of quantity and timing. Company partnership observations encompass working interest sharing, data sharing, and the potential optimal strategies involved.

Hopefully this will encourage company teams to step back from their projects, evaluate strategy and available resources, and re-examine work flows and communication processes. Maybe even glimpse a forest not seen before.

Structure of the E-Symposium

Each e-symposium consists of one-hour live e-symposium, along with material for one full day of independent study. The live portion will be followed by a full day of independent study (not a live event). The one-hour live e-symposium can be accessed from any computer anywhere in the world using a high-speed internet connection. After the event is over, you will receive via email information about accessing the asynchronous segment (not live) which consists of a recording of the event, your independent study materials, to be accessed and studied at any time. You will be able to email responses to the readings, along with your study question answers for CEU credit (if you sign up for the extended package).

Price Includes: Video, PDF of presentation, additional readings / resources. A link to course materials will be provided upon registration.

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David Dally Lone Star Production Company, Houston, TX, USA
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/dally-david.jpg?width=75&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10594
Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology +1 918 560 2604
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/nash-susan.jpg?width=75&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 28 Susan Nash, Ph.D.

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