Rick Schrynemeeckers

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Rick Schrynemeeckers holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biochemistry from Texas A&M University and Master’s of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of North Texas. He began his career working for Sun Oil Company in Dallas in the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) division. He then worked for many years in the environmental arena. He has served as a Laboratory Director and General Manager of several laboratories in his career. He has 25 publications, numerous professional presentations, and has also served as an editorial advisor for Environmental Testing & Analysis Magazine. Mr. Schrynemeeckers returned to the oil industry working for Baseline Resolution a geochemistry laboratory in The Woodlands, TX. His focus was developing partnerships and satellite geochemistry laboratories around the world in countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and Egypt. He then worked for StratoChem Services, a geochemistry laboratory in Cairo for two years, and now promotes surface geochemical surveys for W.L. GORE’s Survey Exploration division.

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