20 August, 2017

VGP at university clusters record participation of over 1,000 students


VGP lectures were conducted by Victor Ogunmola (ExxonMobil, Houston) to three universities in Nigeria in early August 2017.

VGP lectures were conducted by Victor Ogunmola (ExxonMobil, Houston) to three universities in Nigeria in early August 2017. As a geoscientist who is passionate about supporting the younger generation of geoscientists and mentoring students, Ogunmola plugged into his holiday itinerary to Nigeria a VGP visit to Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO), Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) and the University of Ibadan (UI) all based in Nigeria.

Two of the universities served as cluster points, playing host to student geoscientist and lecturers from nearby universities. Lectures delivered covered career talks on opportunities within the upstream energy industry and incorporating the career experience of Ogunmola. University Vice chancellors from the two Federal Universities were present.

The lectures were a success as both students and staff turned out in their numbers and their engagement, energy level and enthusiasm were greatly motivating. Commenting on the outcome of the lectures, Ogunmola said “it was also an exciting and fulfilling time and a rare opportunity to give back and to impact the Students’ lives in a special way. I will be willing to do this again. The feedback has been very encouraging”. About 1,100 students participated in the lectures.