12 December, 2016

Visiting Geoscientist Lecture at University of Nairobi AAPG Chapter


Visiting Petroleum Geoscientist Dr. Sherilyn Williams-Stroud delivered a lecture at the University of Nairobi on the history of hydraulic fracturing.

Visiting Petroleum Geoscientist Dr. Sherilyn Williams-Stroud delivered a lecture at the University of Nairobi on 4 December 2016, titled “A Brief History of Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced Seismicity and Possible Pitfalls for Interpreting B-values as a Stress Meter.”

The hour-long lecture on the history of hydraulic fracturing was attended by faculty members, undergraduates and master’s students, and was followed by a question and answer session.

It was a very informative lecture, and those who attended were happy to network with eminent scientists in the oil and gas field. A number of students were interested in contacting Dr. Williams-Stroud in future for their projects and use of some professional software.

We were very pleased that Dr. Williams-Stroud came to give a very beneficial lecture at the Department.