18 May, 2017

Free Summer Webinar Series Begins 6 June

Visiting Geoscientist Fred Schroeder presents live every Tuesday and Thursday


The summer of 2017 is the summer for AAPG and the Visiting Geoscientist Program! Each Tuesday and Thursday, beginning 6 June, join Visiting Geoscientist Fred Schroeder for a one-hour live webinar. The series follows a two-semester course designed and developed by Schroeder to instruct students on the basics of geology and geophysics in the petroleum industry.

Join Visiting Geoscientist Fred Schroeder each week as he unveils the basics of geology and geophysics in the petroleum industry. Every Tuesday and Thursday, beginning 6 June, Schroeder will present a live one-hour course featuring lectures and exercises intended to introduce geoscience students to the petroleum industry.

Registration is free and each lesson will be made available online.

Focus of the Petroleum Industry

6 June | 2-3 p.m. EDT

At the end of the lecture, students should be able to:

  • Describe how geology and geophysics fit into the energy industry.
  • Describe the growing demand of energy, and the challenges that come with this demand.
  • Differentiate the components of a fully-integrated oil company, and what these components do.

Register Now

Introduction to Play Elements

8 June | 2-3 p.m. EDT

At the end of the lecture, students should be able to:

  • Describe the methods used to find hydrocarbons.
  • Describe the five main play elements needed for success.
  • Interpret whether the fictitious Bonanza Basin has all of the necessary play elements.

Register Now

For more information contact an AAPG Program Coordinator.

Register for 6 June webinar.

Register for 8 June webinar.

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