17 December, 2016

Visiting Geoscientist Lecture at University of Nairobi AAPG Chapter


A Brief History of Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced Seismicity and Possible Pitfalls for interpreting B-values as a stress meter was delivered on 04 Dec 2016 by Visiting Geoscientist Dr. Sherilyn Williams Stroud.

A Brief History of Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced Seismicity and Possible Pitfalls for interpreting B-values as a stress meter was delivered on 04 Dec 2016 by Visiting Geoscientist Dr. Sherilyn Williams Stroud. The hour-long lecture on the history of hydraulic fracturing was followed by a question and answer session. The lecture was attended by faculty members, undergraduates and masters students.

The general feeling of the students was that the lecture was very informative and they were happy to network with eminent scientists in the oil and gas field. A number of students were interested in contacting Dr. Williams-Stroud in future for their projects and use of some professional software. We were very pleased that Dr. Williams-Stroud came to give a very beneficial lecture at the Department.

Lydia Olaka
Faculty Advisor, University of Nairobi AAPG Student Chapter