12 July, 2016

AAPG Young Professionals group in Kuala Lumpur welcomes Herman Darman


On 29 June 2016, the AAPG YP Chapter Kuala Lumpur organized a technical talk entitled “How to Save a Generation of Geoscientists”. We were grateful to have Mr Herman Darman (then from Shell International Exploration & Production) to volunteer his time in KL to give a technical talk to our members.

Herman Darman poses with some of the attendees
Herman Darman poses with some of the attendees
On 29 June 2016, the AAPG YP Chapter Kuala Lumpur organized a technical talk entitled “How to Save a Generation of Geoscientists”. We were grateful to have Mr Herman Darman (then from Shell International Exploration & Production) to volunteer his time in KL to give a technical talk to our members.

The response was good - we had 40 young professionals and students attending the talk at Level 14 PETRONAS office, KLCC Tower 2. Before the talk began at 6.15pm, a brief introduction of the main mission of AAPG KL YP chapter was made; and attendees were advised that the AAPG KL YP chapter will host regular monthly events; and participants are strongly encouraged to attend.

Mr Herman Darman started off his talk by explaining the current oil crisis and its possible effects for the next few years. He also mentioned how important it was to stay strong and try to work through projects to get through this difficult time.

Herman giving his talk
Herman giving his talk
Herman spent the second half of his talk guiding the young professionals and students on how to utilize various free software for searching data and mapping. It was certainly a fruitful learning experience for the young professionals and students as they got to learn about his 30 years experience in the industry.

The talk ended with an enthusiastic Q&A session that went on for 20 minutes. Herman stayed on to answer questions from each and everyone before he finally left.