02 October, 2012

Survey done. We have a winner!


Congratulations, Joshua Work! You won the $300 Visa gift card.

Congratulations, Joshua Work! You won the $300 Visa gift card.

Joshua’s name was randomly selected from just over 1500 participants in the T.I.P. survey that ended the last day of September.

We’d like to thank all of those who completed the survey. Your feedback is being used to guide changes and updates to the AAPG website.

What we learned.

It’s interesting that about a quarter of the respondents to the survey were not members of AAPG so we know there is recruiting potential.

It pleased us to see, too, that just over 80% were able to find what they were looking for. What were you looking for? One-third were looking for papers or publications, then education and training followed by meeting details.

Over half reported they found the site easy to use and close to 95% were satisfied with their experience.

This means we can improve and we plan to. Your feedback and comments will guide us as we work to create a website that is clear, quick and vital to the AAPG member and the industry it serves.

Good browsing!