16 June, 2009

Press release of AAPG Outstanding Student Chapters


In addition to the two Outstanding Chapters there were a few that should be mentioned that were noted as Honorable Mention this year they included the Chapters at:

You may see the press release issued by Schlumberger by clicking here.

In addition to the two Outstanding Chapters there were a few that should be mentioned that were noted as Honorable Mention this year they included the Chapters at:

  • San Diego State University
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • Institute of Technology Sepuluh November
  • Gadjah Mada University

And my opinion of who would be currently in the lead for next years prize?

The University of Oklahoma AAPG Student Chapter who have submitted some excellent reports and have been up to some excellent activites.

We look forward to reading of the activities at your AAPG Student Chapter, so be sure to send in your Chapter reports.
