03 October, 2012



You probably know that the chemical composition of hydraulic fracturing fluids is a controversial issue for many people living in areas where many new wells are being frac’ed or fraced or fracked.

Information and insights about the ingredients in a well’s hydraulic fracturing fluid.

Source: ALL Consulting based on data from a fracture operation in the Fayetteville Shale, 2008

You probably know that the chemical composition of hydraulic fracturing fluids is a controversial issue for many people living in areas where many new wells are being frac’ed or fraced or fracked. More transparent operations make for better relations between industry and the public and FracFocus is helping to illuminate a process that may be downright frightening to some people.

A year ago the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) and the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) initiated FracFocus.org, a web-based registry of the chemical components of hydraulic fracturing fluids used in new wells. Currently, more than 200 companies have registered over 27,000 wells on the site.

FracFocus.org provides a map-based GIS system or text search to locate individual wells. For each well the volume and composition of the hydraulic fracturing fluid is provided in addition to information about the operator, well name, API number, location and total depth.

The website also explains the process of hydraulic fracturing for non-technical readers. For the more serious reader, the site also has information about the hydraulic fracturing regulations of each state.

I encourage you to share this website with individuals that are concerned about the impacts of fracing. And, if your company is not participating in the registry, consider joining.